Please look up potential adverse side effects to Paracetamol, Penicillin, Aspirin, or Cortisone. Drugs we use on daily bases and some, without a doubt, are life saving. You will find many, if not most of the listed potential adverse effects to MMR and other vaccinations. There hasn't been a perfect drug or a magic pill discovered yet. There is always a small price to pay compared to the great benefit. The facts are; Some fatal diseases have killed hundreds of millions in the past (1/3 of the population in Europe died from the plague. 90% of the Native Americans died from Smallpox and even from common cold brought in by the immigrants from Europe). Some of these diseases are eradicated from the face of earth because of vaccinations and antibiotics. I think the solution is to perfect vaccinations not to go back to Medieval times. If you read further into those anti-vaccination articles, you will find them talk about people who sued the vaccines companies for compensations. You will not find comparative statistical analysis or factual numbers to justify your judgment. You will also read about the Church's opinion of the matter since some human elements or dead fetuses tissues have been used to prepare vaccines. I am not pro-pharmaceutical companies making billions by scaring people into buying drugs for they are blinded by money. I am not pro Lawyers trying to make billions by rubbing off Pharmaceuticals and scare people into idiotic backward ignorant life for they are also blinded by money. I am not pro letting the Church People decide on a very scientific matter which will hinder what happens with my only life on earth for they are preoccupied by the next life. I would remove all hidden motives and explore the FACTS to make a decision to the best of our knowledge. Maybe in the future, we will discover that we were wrong, but this is the best we know for right now.
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