Sunday, June 11, 2017

Jesus/Issa in Isalm

Jesus/Issa in Isalm
In responding to Someone who posted "I am Muslim, and I love Jesus. To be Muslim, I must love Jesus, he is a prophet in the Quran."
It is very kind of you to like this post. However, unfortunately, this post is only a wishful thinking and a desperate attempt to conceal the difference between the two beliefs by Moderate Muslims who do not know the fundamentals of their religion.
If "Issa" in Islam, is very different from Jesus in Christianity, then this statement is good for nothing! Islam states the Christians got it all wrong, even the name Jesus. The Christians call Jesus "Yasuo" in Arabic, and the Quran states the right Arabic name is "Issa" Quran clearly states "Issa" was never a god or a son of God, was never crucified, never died, and was never risen to heaven after death. However, Christianity, as we know it is built on Jesus is a God in the flesh, or a son of God died on the cross and was risen to heaven.
If you read the comments from some Muslims on this post, you will find some have criticized the post for calling Jesus "Jesus" instead of "Issa" If they reject even the name, how do you discuss the concept? Some say no matter what his name in English is, it should be Issa because Arabic is the appropriate holy language of god. Some criticize Christians for calling Jesus a god or whatever because it is against the teaching of Islam.
Christians of the Middle East grow up hearing these kinds of empty statements all the time when Christians have been slaughtered by mass shootings after Friday Mosque prayers or after bombs explode inside a church during a mass. Many moderate Muslims or officials say those meaningless statements to soothe the pain of the Christians who lost their loved ones after attacks in the name of Islam by Muslim Fundamentalist or terrorists who are not a small minority by the way.

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