Saturday, June 17, 2017

Crazy TV Drug Commercials

Crazy Drug Commercials on TV
On a TV commercial, Drug Companies air a list of symptoms everyone must have at least one. 
Then they say tell your doctor that you must have the drug. 
What they don't tell you is; we will make a lot of cash.
Then they list a long list of side effects and say if you have them or if you die call ur damn doctor.
What they don't tell you is; because we don't care, we made our cash. 
Then on the next commercial lawyers saying if u had any of these side effects or if u died, call us.
We are suing the crap out of that drug company, your doctor, and the kitchen sink too.
We will get you a lot of cash. 
What they don't tell you is; and we will take most of it.

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