Saturday, June 17, 2017

Let's Bomb Some Countries

Let's Bomb Some Countries
Why are we so excited, and in a hurry to bomb and invade other countries, especially the wrong ones?! Brian Wiliam described the launching the missiles on Syria as a beautiful sight! Since when killing people has become a beautiful sight? Needless to say, it cost the taxpayers $59 million. 
Go bomb terrorist organizations first; ISIS, Taliban, Boko Haram, Hamas, or Abo Sayaf. Help the Kurdish, Iraqi, Syrian, Nigerian, Christians who have been in genocide for years.

SIS had infiltrated Syria. Many of the rebels have joined ISIS and became united against the government. It is very common for the fundamentalists to hijack chaos or the falling of a system to take over like they took over Egypt for the first 2 years after Mubarak. Or after the fall of Kadafi in Libya or Sadam in Iraq and tried in Tunisia. 

We shouldn't bomb people if we are not sure what the consequences are. To fight the Soviet Union in the 80s, America aided, trained, and helped Al Qaeda and Bin Laden in Afghanistan. The Wrongful invasion of Iraq and removing Sadam created ISIS. Bombing Libya to help remove Kadafi helped the infiltration of ISIS.  history, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the Iraq War. We fought wars for others, we lost hundreds of thousands of our young men and women, we lost trillions of taxpayers money and we achieved nothing. On the contrary, we created problems. 
War should be the last resort not the first especially if it's not ours.

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