Sunday, June 18, 2017

America and Making World Peace

America and Making World Peace
America is kind and tolerant. She is a great country for the freedom equality and opportunity seekers. But she is in her own bubble, naïve and self-destructive. Like most people, she denies the obvious and ignores the facts such as human heads bucking is not a sport and is traumatic for the human brain! 
Like in WWI, America stayed neutral for a while but she was forced into WWII after the attacks on Pearl Harbor by Japan and on multiple American ships by the Nazi. The map of the world had been redrawn after WWII and since then America has become in charge of policing the world because it was the power that saved Europe and the rest of the world from the Nazi. Because of WWII America had a surge of wealth technology power and superiority while still being completely isolated in its own big bubble for 500 years. The business of making money from policing the world made America the big bully of the world. This lead to getting involved in many needless stupid losing wars like Korea in the 50s, Vietnam in the 60s, the cold war during the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s, Bosnia in the 90s, and of course Afghanistan, Iraq 1 Iraq 2, and even the stupid wars on drugs in South America in the 90s. Most of her wealth has gone to losing wars because of multiple idiotic decisions pushed on the naïve people by real warlords. In the meantime, American leaders have been so arrogant and confident to deny and ignore real enemies and real threats until she was stabbed in the heart on 911 and since then, she is in a constant war on terror for the last 15 years. American leaders have tumbled governments, presidents, and kings and replaced them by corrupted worst ones. American leaders made her the enemy of many nations. American leaders dedicated her wealth and economy to the business of wars so that she became behind the modern world in education, science, healthcare, medical research, and even astronomy and space projects. The countries America has defeated destroyed and rebuilt like Germany and Japan have become better than America in many fields.

Also, America aided, trained, gave weapons to and created the Taliban to fight the Russians. She was stupid enough not to know no matter what, she is next on the list of any Islamic fundamental organization. She does not know no matter what, she, the West, and Israel are natural enemies of any fundamental Islamic Group even after she helps them. America caused ISIS to evolve by creating a vacuum in Iraq. America was reckless enough to let 911 happen. America let down its ally the Shah of Iran and watched Khomeini come to power. America was supporting the late Islamic government of Egypt which was going to make Egypt a second Iran or Sudan. The rebels in any Arab countries are Islamic fundamentalists and helping rebels is helping terrorists. The consequences of interference in the Middle East are always disastrous. The Middle East has been ruled by Theocratic Dictatorships or individual Tyrannical Dictatorship, for hundreds- if not thousands of years! This will never correct or change unless from within. The Soviet Union collapsed because its Communist System failed. The Soviet Union did not collapse by invasion. It is ridiculous to say America invaded those countries to shove democracy down their throats or for human rights. America did not liberate Kuwait from Saddam; America protected the Kuwaiti oil and got paid. America caused a reverse genocide in Bosnia. America did not stop the genocide in Rwanda. Probably if America just leaves the world alone there will be more world peace.

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