Thursday, June 29, 2017

Human Nature

Human Nature
We all know Human is the most intelligent animal existed on the face of the earth and being human means gentleness, honesty, and mercifulness. 
However, science proves some animals are smarter than humans in certain performances. Mice and some other animals may consider humans stupid because they do not feel the tsunami coming, run uphill or a mountain, but they stay for their death. Lions may consider humans less intelligent because they can’t recognize smell from far or see at night. So, humanly is smarter based on the human scale, not the animal scale. Also, the records of human history prove that human is a cruel animal who dominated the earth and about to destroy it. As well as, being human often means greed, deceit, and inflicting severe suffering on other humans and animals.
Animals are territorial, they form gangs, fight, and kill. Animals kill to survive. However, no animal ever gathered in the hundreds of thousands to organize wars for the extinction of others from its own species. Human is the only animal that kills for a belief or an idea. The only animal that is willing to die for an opinion and sometimes torture others who did not believe in it. The dinosaurs dominated Earth for millions of years, but they never threatened to exterminate life on earth. The domination of the human species as we know it dates only 10,000 years and it has already slaughtered many animal species to extinction and threatened to destroy the earth with wars and atomic bombs.

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