Monday, May 29, 2017

Sons of Gods in History

Sons of Gods in History
From Wikipedia Note that Herculean myth resembles Jesus in many areas. The mortal and chaste Alcmene, the mother of Hercules, gave birth to him from a union with God (Zeus). Similar to Herod who wanted to kill Jesus, Hera wanted to kill Hercules. Like Jesus, Hercules traveled the earth as mortal helping mankind and performed miraculous deeds. Similar to Jesus who died and rose to heaven, Hercules died, rose to Mt. Olympus and became a god. Hercules gives an example of perhaps the most famous hero in Ancient Greece and Rome. They believed that he actually lived, told stories about him, worshiped him, and dedicated temples to him.
Likewise, the "evidence" of Hercules closely parallels that of Jesus. We have historical people like Hesiod and Plato who mention Hercules in their writings. Similar to the way the gospels tell a narrative story of Jesus, so do we have the epic tales of Homer who depict the life of Hercules. Aesop tells stories and quotes the words of Hercules. Just as we have a brief mention of Jesus by Josephus in his Antiquities, Josephus also mentions Hercules (more times than Jesus), in the very same work (see: 1.15; 8.5.3; 10.11.1). Just as Tacitus mentions a Christus, so does he also mention Hercules many times in his Annals.
And most importantly, just as we have no artifacts, writings or eyewitnesses about Hercules, we also have nothing about Jesus. All information about Hercules and Jesus comes from stories, beliefs, and hearsay. Should we then believe in a historical Hercules, simply because ancient historians mention him and that we have stories and beliefs about him?
Athis, son of Limnaee, a Naiad
Cu Chulainn
Cychreus, son of Poseidon
Cycnus, multiple characters were known as Cycnus, including a son of Ares and a son of Apollo
Dardanus, son of Zeus
Dhristadyumna materialized out of a ritual fire-altar, quasi-son of fire-god Agni. Draupadi's brother
Dionysus son of Zeus which turned into a god.
Draupadi materialized out of a ritual fire-altar, quasi-daughter of fire-god Agni. Dhristadyumna's sister
Drona contained a spark of Brihaspati
Epaphus, son of Zeus
Eryx, son either of Poseidon or of Aphrodite and Butes the Argonaut
The fifty daughters of Selene and Endymion.
Ghatotkacha born of a demigod and a demoness
Hanuman Son of Vayu
Helen of Troy, daughter of Zeus.
Heracles (also known by the Roman spelling, Hercules), son of Zeus/Jupiter and later the god of heroes.
Hippolyta daughter of the god of war Ares.
Iasion, son of Zeus
Karna son of sun-god Surya
Lakshmana incarnation of great serpent god Ananta
Macaria, daughter of Hades which turned into a goddess.
Māui (Maori) (New Zealand)
Memnon son of Eos
Minos, son of Zeus
Myrtilus, son of Hermes
Nakula son of one of the god Ashvini Kumaras
Otrera daughter of the east wind Eurus.
Perseus, son of Zeus
Polydeuces of the Dioscuri
Pradyumna incarnation of Sanatkumara
Rhesus of Thrace
Romulus and Remus sons of Mars
Sahadeva son of one of the gods Ashvini Kumaras
Semele daughter of Harmonia. Mother of Dionysus.
Sugreeva son of Sun God, Surya
Theseus, son of sea god Poseidon.
Vali son of the king of all gods, the thunder-god Indra
Yudhishthira son of the God of Death and Justice Yama
Zethus Historical figures who claimed a demigod type status[edit]
Several mythical Chinese Emperors were born humans but deified upon "death."
Roman Emperor Commodus claimed to be the reincarnation of Hercules
Hong Xiuquan claimed to be Son of God and brother of Jesus but to not be God himself
Japanese Emperors claimed to be Arahitogami until Emperor Hirohito was forced to renounce this in 1946
Adapa was a mortal from a godly lineage, a son of Ea (Enki in Sumerian), the god of wisdom and of the ancient city of Eridu, who brought the arts of civilization to that city (from Dilmun, according to some versions)
Kings of the Mataram empire (now the Sunanate of Surakarta & sultanate of Yogyakarta) claim to be descendants of the Goddess of the Southsea

This is a list of sons of gods in mythology and history before Jesus, those who deemed[by whom?] demigods like Jesus.[citation needed]

Nyai Roro Kidul The 16th-century Javanese legends connects the Queen of Southern Seas as the protector and spiritual consort of the kings of Mataram.

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