Sunday, May 28, 2017


Studying 1-direct observations, 2-the fossil records, 3-phylogenetics, 4-DNA, 5-geographic distribution, and 6-evolutionary baggage like rudimentary organs has independently, confirmed and proven the Evolution!
Most people who deny the Evolution, DO NOT understand what evolution is, how it works and what the evidence for it is. They do not have any LOGICAL alternative explanation for all the evidence of the evolution. They do not have any evidence to prove the evolution is wrong except for "because God said so in the bible" or "the Quran."

Evolution was a theory now it is a proven fact. To logically discuss evolution, you need to have some background and knowledge in Geology, Biology, Astrology, Biochemistry, Physiology, Anatomy, Botany, Physics, some Quantum-physics, Zoology, Astrophysics, Astrobiology, even History, and Theology.

You also need to apply the scientific method of thinking and research which is just to {Question everything. Do not accept anything as a fact unless you have evidence. Discuss any idea with an open mind and separate the influence of all religions from science}

The Scientific method of thinking is what lead to the industrial revolution which took Europe from the dark middle ages of superstitions, diseases, and ignorance to the much-advanced technology of today.

Darwin came up with a brilliant observation and the concept of Evolution but did not have enough evidence or technology to prove his theory to the geologists of his time. However, now, we have enough evidence and technology to test it.

Change of kinds is observed by Geologists, and it happens over millions of years. It can be explained by gradual or sudden mutations of DNA of ONLY SOME not all individuals of a kind leading to modification, adaptation or extinction. That's why not all fish evolved into reptiles and dinosaurs, not all reptiles evolved into birds, and not all mammals became the same animal. DNA can mutate due to many reasons during its replication or because of radiation like X-rays or Gama rays which exist in the universe.

DNA mutations are random, not controlled and do not go back and forth on request, so change does not go back and forth as well. A tree branch grows out; it does not grow back to the stem or the root!

Of course, it is impossible to observe the change in human life because it takes thousands or millions of years.

It is an unrealistic and tricky demand to ask "Give me an example of a change of a kind that you have personally observed or witnessed" That's impossible. If you try to measure the distance from earth to the center of our galaxy, (which is estimated to take 26,000 years at the speed of light), you can't do it by personally travel and come back by an ordinary airplane. I believe these students in the video do not understand the concept and the professors were not given a chance to finish their explanation.

It is a fact, Scientists observe some reptiles and frogs (today in Africa) change from males to females based on the need to reproduce (check Wikipedia). it is not a change of species but it is a modification of individuals of a species to suit the environment. scientists also were able to genetically cross match and clone two different kinds of animals to produce a new kind Like half rabbit half cat! So if we can change a kind, it is possible that Nature could do it over millions of years.

It is a fact we can estimate the age of plants, materials, rocks, and fossils by carbon dating and calculating nuclear decay using the science of Nuclear Physics. For example, When you see a train coming on a track at a certain speed, you can estimate when it left the station 100 miles in the past, and you can predict when it will reach the next station 100 miles ahead in the future.
Based on that, It is also a fact the earth crust is covered gradually with the debris of dust rocks and remains of dead creatures over millions of years. And usually, the deeper you dig, the older fossils you excavate.

It is also a proven fact that earth crusts slide on each other causing earthquakes. And the continents used to be one big land then separated and moved away from each other over millions of years ( for example, Africa moves away from South America) at the speed of 1 inch per year. All these FACTS were initially rejected by the old scientists but are proven facts today.

Geologists continue to find and date different fossils and observe them modify gradually to new kinds over millions of years which merely proves the change from one type to a new kind. Fossils of older kinds of species disappear progressively (only found in deeper excavations) while at the same time similar but different, and modified fossils of newer kinds are found gradually only in the more superficial excavations.

EVOLUTION is the gradual change and modification of older kind to newer kinds, the extinction of the older kind and survival of the newer adapted kinds.

According to Geologists, fossils of Dogs' bones are not found in eras before around 10,000 years ago, but fossils of very similar Wolves' bones were found. Dogs have not been created SUDDENLY 10,000 years ago but evolved GRADUALLY from wolves domesticated by humans over the last 10,000 years. Some domesticated wolves changed to new thousands of different kinds of dogs which we have now, over only 10,000 years.

IF YOU COMPARE dogs DNA, you will find it ALMOST identical to wolves DNA. Human DNA is 99% identical to Chimpanzee and 50% identical to Bananas! If you COMPARE THE DNA of all living creatures and fossils found over millions of years including humans, you will discover similarity, and you can trace The Tree Of Life back from TERMINAL BRANCHES TO MAIN BRANCHES TO ROOT ORIGIN OF primitive SINGLE CELL bacteria which have lived on earth billions of years ago.

NASA has collected water, and essential amino acids which are the building blocks of DNA and proteins from meteors and asteroids made billions of years ago. These are similar to the billions of meteorites and asteroids which hit earth billions of years ago!

Fatty Acids (the essential elements which make cell membranes) are found in water near volcanic eruptions. Astrobiologists discovered that fatty acids spontaneously bind together in water to form circles (balls or soap bubbles) like cell membranes and eventually become autonomous.

The current theory is; Eventually, elements such as amino acids and or DNA entered these fatty acids balls or bubbles to make the first prototype of cells. Cells gradually maintain autonomy. Over billions of years, DNA mutations inside cells caused the change of character, failure, and extinction, or adaptations and change of kinds and Evolution.

There are three hypotheses about the origin of life. from out of space via meteors, around volcanic openings in the deep oceans, or in shallow ponds on the surface.

These are hypotheses. Any hypothesis is worth discussion before rejection.
If all new ideas and theories were rejected, we would have been still living in caves hunting animals and each other.
Evolution occurred over millions of years for all live animals and plants to adapt to the environment. On the same note, the change from kind to another happens on a larger scale and over more extended periods of time, and you can observe it in the fossils. Again Darwin theory is the basic idea, and now we have the geological observation to prove the change of kind.

Some knowledge of science help understand and discuss new theories rather than rejecting without really realizing the principal. You can't debate quantum physics, Einstein's relativity or singularity theories with a first grader.
Many people do not consider the change from a kind of fish to another type of fish is a change of kind! It is actually the first step to change from a kind to another kind of the same origin then gradually change to an entirely other species.

In an interview, Dr. Craig Stanford was asked to give an example of a change that he witnessed. The interviewer rejected Dr. Stanford"s examples and did not even show it in the video. It is effortless to edit an interview and make someone look hesitant or ignorant, its done all the time in the media all over the world to prove biased political views.
The interviewer rejected that we originate from fish because we do not have gills! Which proves an incredible amount of ignorance. Of course, it is a silly reason because it ignores the concept of change, adaptation and extinction happen over millions of years. The link is found in the fossils. 
Actually, if you study Human Embryology you can observe the resemblance of other species and Evolution of human embryo from single primitive cell to fish like, to reptile shape, bird like it even had a tail and was covered with hair at later stages, and finally, it develops into a baby human.

There are thousands of examples of change in kinds.

An excellent example of an immediate observable change in kinds is the cross-breeding between different spices like a horse and a donkey resulting in a Mule, an animal utterly different from the origin.

An example of a quick change of birds beaks on the Galapagos islands. I recently read about some birds on the Galapagos Islands changed beaks over only 5 years to adapt to dry weather and lack of small-sized seeds.

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