Sunday, May 28, 2017

Faith vs Knowledge

Faith vs Knowledge 
People of faith are usually born in it. People's faith strongly depends on geography and timing in history. If you were born in Egypt 2500 years ago, you would probably have believed in Isis, Osiris, Horas, Aton, and the Pharoh is a God or son of God on earth. If you were born in Israel, you are probably a Jew. If you were born in Greece 2000 years ago, you would have believed in Hercules the son of God Zeus. If you were born in Italy, you are Christian and think Jesus is the son of God. If you are born in Pakistan or Saudi Arabia, you must be Muslim.   
However, It may take many years of studying, and learning to compare the Torah, Bible, Quran,  Mythology, world history, other religions, medicine, astronomy, and science to come up with comparisons and arguments to decide what makes sense and what does not.

Again many people try to prove their religion is right using wrong or incomplete scientific evidence (I can say wrong because it is about science). They may use the Bible as the only source of science not even by thoroughly studying it. It’s also a mistake the Muslims make; they do not accept any source of knowledge except the Koran which is obviously a big problem.  
You can't logic with someone who is not using logic but using non-negotiable faith. When you discuss a controversial verse, first he will try to explain the Bible or Koran verses thinking you might not have read them or don't know them.  Then, deny the fact some of the controversial verses exist. Then, claim that you are making them up or explaining them your own wrong way. Then argue the accuracy or the wording,. Then when he finds the verses are correct, he says it did not mean this. When he finds out the verses have suggested it, he says “so what? The bible's profits were just normal or even bad people too”. Who gave you the authority to interpret the Koran?

How does the perfect Almighty God give his promise and chose those horrible people to be his best over the rest of the world? How do you consider them holy? They were liars, killers, dishonest, cheaters, tricky, not trustworthy, fornicators, rapists, and committers of incest. If the role models are negotiable then maybe what does not make sense in the Bible or Koran is negotiable too. 

The difference between science and believing is, science thinks and does not believe in what has no proof. Science always learns advances and accepts to say I was wrong. But believers believe in what can’t be proven. Believers claim to be always right. Believers claim to know everything and reject any new knowledge outside their chosen book no matter how much this new knowledge makes sense later.

Before Galileo, ancient believers of the church rejected, imprisoned, and tortured Bruno to death. He was the first scientist in medieval times to claim the earth is just one of many planets, the sun is just another star, and the universe is full of other stars, planets, and worlds. The church imprisoned him for years and killed him because his proposal did not match the Genesis creation story of one earth at the center, one sun, and one moon rotating around it, and the stars are just holes or decorations to light the sky at night. Now we know for a fact the church was apparently wrong. The church almost did the same to Galileo for saying the earth is not flat but a sphere and rotates around the sun. Now the church claims the earth is not flat but a ball.

Believers initially oppose any new discovery or invention that might not agree with their religious ideology no matter how accurate it is. So many great discoveries that helped humanity were initially rejected by the believers. The church initially dismissed TV, refused contraception, organ transplantation, and stem cell treatment, and considered it all sin. The use of a condom is still prohibited even in the face of the spread of AIDS. After a discovery proves absolutely right and hugely beneficial to the human race, the Church gradually changes its mind, trying to justify and adopt the ideas. It even may come up with verses from the Bible to prove it has been a mistranslation and the earth has always been a sphere.
It is an oxymoron, contradictory, and impossible to try to prove scientific facts using the bible or religions, especially after the initial rejection. The Church rejects Evolution even though we share 99% of our DNA with Chimpanzees.

It is so easy for someone to deny a fact if he or she is ignorant about it. Ignorance is like blindness, it is so easy for a blind deny the existence of the sun in the sky.

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