Sunday, May 28, 2017


Radicalization why ask why?
Why do moderate Muslims turn into terrorists?
It amazes me that everyone keeps asking why? Why do they do that? Why do they hate us? Why do they want to kill us? They are Americans, they lived here, they look normal! As a person who grew up in the Middle East and studied the Arabic language and parts of the Koran since childhood, I think I know the answer.
The answer is straightforward; Read the Koran.
If you read the Koran or an accurate translation of Koran, you will find all the answers. If you read the “Hadeeth” (speeches) and “Sunnah” (roles) (The Prophet Mohammed’s responses to the Muslims' questions, his speeches, his discussions and his roles during his life) you will find clear answers.
Unfortunately, most politicians, most presidents, most people in positions responsible for making decisions, even most Muslims have never read and understood enough Koran nor read an accurate translation of it. So basically they do not know what the hell they are dealing with, talking about or even believing in. It shocks me when I watch debates on TV and both sides, with and against are ignorant and wrong about the topic and do not really know what they are talking about.
According to Islam Koran has to be read in Arabic only. Koran says the power or the miracle of Koran is in Arabic. It is prohibited to read it in other languages, and it is not appropriate to translate Koran. So you have to speak and understand classic Arabic fluently to understand Koran accurately. Even if you do, Koran is written in old Arabic which needs translation from Arabic to modern Arabic. Like reading a Shakespeare novel, you may need a special English major to understand its language.
The exact translation and explanation of many Koran verses are straightforward. Even though contradictory. Koran has many peaceful verses, it also has verses demanding to kill and terrorize the enemy, infidels, and the non-Muslims.
The verse says: “Prepare for them, all that you can from strength and horses’ robes, to terrorize your enemy which is the enemy of Allah (God) “
(them; is the enemy or the infidels) (strength is power, weapons, and war equipment) (horses’ robes, are saddles for war horses and so on)
This is a definite order to use terrorism against the enemy.
The verse says: “One of you will (should) kill a thousand; one of you will (should) kill a hundred, but since God is merciful on you, one of you will (should) kill ten.”
This is what 911, and every suicide boomer is all about
The verse says: “Hit the necks and behead them with your swords” This is why they beheaded the kidnapped Christian missionaries in Iraq after the invasion.
The verse says: “ Jihad (Fight to death) for Allah.”
The word Jihad means exhaustion or to fight hard to exhaustion or death.
Who is the enemy? Who are the infidels?
The verse says: “Became an Infidel, whoever says God had a son or is a third of three and the Jews and the hypocrites.”
The verse says: “kill them, where ever you find them, the infidels, the Jews, and the Christians.”
The verse says: “Fight them to death (kill or be killed) until they (the infidels) say no god but Allah and Mohamed is the Prophet of Allah" (i.e., convert to Islam)
This means the infidels are anyone who is not Muslim.
The verse says: “Their women, children, and money are yours.”
i.e., take the infidels' women, children, and properties after or even before you kill them. This means you have the right to the body of an infidel's wife more than him and it is your right to rape her since she is married to an infidel. This is why it is reasonable and legal in the Islamic history to rape all women after winning a battle.
Why is it OK to kill the others?
The verse says: “You are the best nation given to the world.”
i.e., you are better than all the others, so it is OK to eliminate the others.
The verses say: "the Jews are sons of the monkeys and pigs."
This means that others are less than human close to bugs compare to the best nation on earth. Basically, you are serving God by killing those subhuman.
There are many more verses that urge war and the killing of all non-Muslims till they convert to Islam. Since that is impossible sometimes, the Muslim leaders settled on having some of the Christians and Jews pay the penalty to keep their faith - high tax (Jizyah) which means (punishment) to save their lives. And that is how some of my ancestors survived.
Most Muslims do not learn or ignore these verses in Koran since they are difficult to apply in a world of the non-Muslim majority. Today’s Muslims are not powerful enough to go to war with all nations in the world. According to Koran, every Muslim has to spread Islam, stop the evil, and kill the infidels when they can. If they can’t now, then they should wait until they can.
The verse says; “If you see evil (anything inconsistent with Islam), you should correct it by your hand (physically). If you can’t, then correct it by your speech (tell the person who is doing it to stop). If you can’t, then correct it by your heart (wish for correcting it) and the last type is the weakest of all faith” (almost shameful)
This means Muslims who do not change non-Muslim roles, beliefs, behavior, religion, culture, tradition, custom, or freedom are Muslims with scandalous weak faith. According to Koran, the strongest Islamic faith is to physically force change evil, and religious Muslims should do it as soon as they can.
When moderate Muslims come across these verses in Koran, they realize that their faith is not strong enough and if they want to be better Muslims, they should change. This may explain the sudden change in a moderate Muslim to a radical Muslim even when living in the western culture. The signs of change are praying more, going to the mosque more, religiously fasting Ramadan, making their women wear Islamic scarf, avoiding contact with other religions and cultures, and ultimately starting the Jihad for Allah and dying to serve God by killing the non-Muslims.

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