Sunday, May 28, 2017

Flat Earth Bible Vs Science

Flat Earth in the Bible
Job 26:10 King James translation 
He hath compassed the waters with bounds (i.e surrounded by ice something to contain its edge.) Job 26:10 New American Standard Bible (NASB)“He has inscribed a circle (horizon) on the surface of the waters At the boundary of light and darkness. A circle is a disc, not a ball. 
Isaiah 40:22 said: “It is he [i.e. God] who sits above the circle of the earth". A circle is obviously not a ball, it is a flat disc. In the modern translation, a circle has been translated into a sphere Isaiah 11:10 and Revelation 7:1 and 20:8 talked about "the four corners of the earth" a sphere does not have corners. If the old testament in Isaiah has really said the earth is a ball or a sphere and God is sitting on it, then, why did the Catholic Church imprison and torture Bruno to death? And why did it persecute and imprison Galileo in his house till death for stating the earth is a ball and rotates around the sun?
Chronicles 16:30, Psalms 96:10, 93:1 are talking about "the world is not moving and can not be moved" i.e not rotating around itself or the sun.

Samuel 2:9, Job 9:6, Psalm 75:3 are talking about "the pillars of earth" i.e the earth is raised on pillars
There are about 67 scriptures saying the sun is moving. 0 scriptures say the earth is moving

Job 26:10 "he compassed the water with bounds" 
Isaiah 66:1 Mathew 5:35, Acts 7:49 are talking about 'earth is God's footstool' A stool is flat with four pillars

Mathew 24:29, Mark 13:25, Revelation 6:13 state that "the stars are going to fall on earth" obviously it is impossible for the starts to fall on earth because they are millions and billions of time bigger than the earth.

Job 37:3, Daniel 4:11, Proverbs 30:4 are talking about "the ends of the earth"     a sphere has no ends

Corinthian #:19 'wisdom of the world is foolishness with God'. 

Timothy 6:20 states that 'science is false'. Meaning any knowledge outside the Bible or God is false and foolishness. So you can't believe what science tells you

A circle is not a ball. It is easy to claim the earth is a circle because the horizon looks like a circle. At the time of Bruno and Galileo, the Church never accepted the earth is a ball nor one of the billions of planets in the universe. 
According to tens of bible scriptures, the earth is in the center of the universe. It is stationary, flat, and raised on pillars. God separated the oceans waters and the heavens' water from the sky. The universe is a dome bent on top of the earth and the stars are small lights within the dome and they will fall someday. The sun and the moon are moving around the earth. Obviously, this is nothing like the universe that we know and have seen 
The church only accepted the facts after they became facts. Now the church claims it has been always a biblical fact and the earth is a ball, not just a circle and it rotates around the sun even though this is opposite to what Genesis clearly stated. Some priest told me it does not matter because God told us he created the universe but not how so its ok to ignore all the discrepancies between the scientific facts and the details of how God created earth and heaven in Genesis or the Bible. I think this is clearly a bizarre and absurd justification for the clear wrong biblical information about the matter 

Bible/Genesis                                            Science
The earth is flat                               A ball
Earth before the sun                        The sun before earth
The ocean before land                     The land before the ocean
Light before the sun                        The sun before the light
Land plants first                              Marin live first
Fruit trees before fish                      Fish before trees 
Plants before the sun                       The sun before plants
Man created from solid matter        Man evolved from liquid matter
Birds came before reptiles              Reptiles came before birds
There is a sole                                 No
There is eternity                              No
There is an afterlife                         No

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