Thursday, December 27, 2018

The Nonexisting Chains

The Nonexisting Chains
I felt angry because I have been robbed out of happiness all my life.
I suffered fear and guilt for no reason. I tried very hard to follow all the rules, and it only led me to bad choices, being taken advantage of, failure, oppression, depression, hypocrisy, and unhappiness. 
The more I learn and observe, the more I think outside the box (which I was locked in), and the more I realize how much I was locked down by fabulous nonexisting chains.
Like many others, I used to pick and choose to justify.  
I believed;-
1-If the text doesn't make sense, "What makes no sense is metaphoric, and what makes sense is literal."
2-If I questioned, "Don't question just believe."
3-If it is illogic, "You need faith not logic to believe."
4-If I used brain, "You can't use your brain to believe."
5-If I was intelligent, "Your brain is too small to understand God's ways and great wisdom."
6-If there was no reason, "God works in mysterious ways."
7-If I have the knowledge, "Knowledge inflates up with pride, but love builds up."
8-If I didn't see it, "Blessed who have not seen but yet believed." or " you don't have enough faith to receive the blessing of seeing it."
9-If there were no answers at all, it was my fault, "If you are not given dogma or gift from God, you will not be able to understand."
10-Finally, If I disagree, then I am not chosen because "God has chosen the ones in him before the foundation of the earth."

Religious belief does not need evidence. It is unquestionable, unexplanatory, does not have to make sense, does not have to follow logic or follow reason. It may explain what we haven't understood yet, the supernatural, miraculous, and magical. You must be chosen and given the gift by God from the beginning to believe and enjoy paradise after death. But, amazingly, at the same time, you have the free will to chose between believing or going to hell and burn for eternity!
It is very contradictory. That's is why it is better if you just believe and follow. It is also better if you don't question and have no knowledge or brain.

For 50 years I knew all the possible answers to justify what makes no sense, and it still makes no sense. This is not out of ignorance about the text, but out of too much knowledge about the text and faith, and some simple knowledge about facts.
Only 8 years ago, I started to feel happy, safe and unafraid. Mainly when I gave up the belief in nonexisting chains.
I am just saying this hoping to make you feel free and as good as I do. Because since I discovered the truth, I haven't been happier and more fulfilled in life. 🙂

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

End Doctors Abuse, Start a Physician Union, and Enforce A Free Healthcare For All

End Doctors Abuse, Start a Physician Union and Enforce A Free Healthcare For All
America spent a few trillion taxpayers' dollars on losing the Iraq War! If the Government has spent this money on healthcare instead, we would have had a Free Healthcare For All.

We, Physicians, have lost our autonomy and income to the control of health care carriers, the excessive bureaucratic regulations, and the endless medicolegal litigation. 
Lawyers have been continuously suing doctors, not for good reasons but just for extracting money — the fear forces Doctors to unnecessary tests for everything and practice expensive defensive medicine or "cover your butt medicine.Defensive medicine dramatically increases the cost of healthcare. 
The increase in healthcare cost make Insurance companies raise the premiums, and deductibles as well as reduce patient coverage, doctors pay, hospitals pay, and Pharmacies pay to keep the profit in the billions. Healthcare costs a fortune in America while the quality is not better than Europ, Canada, or Australia in which healthcare is free.
Doctors are obligated to provide services first, then Insurance Companies decide how little to pay or not to pay at all. 
To get paid, Doctors must spend more time documenting bureaucratic data than the time spent caring for patients. 
Let us form a Physicians Union to change the free litigation laws, and get our dignity back. Let us work on providing Free Healthcare For All.  
We need at least one-third of the doctors to sign the petition to form a Union.  

Thursday, October 4, 2018


Judge Kavanaugh
Congratulations America on a supreme court judge who is easily angered has no control over his emotions, cries when cornered, believes in conspiracies against him personally, avoids answering questions in an investigation, and swearing to God, is his soundproof of innocence. For sure he will be very professional, fair, and never biased.
First of all, I think it is not smart to let 9 people, some could be in their 90s, make the laws in America for life. Have anyone heard of Senile Dementia? Aging naturally, reduces the brain faculties. Plus How can someone modify today's rules based on traditions or culture of 3 generations ago? 

About Kavanaugh, I am happy that I do not have to make a decision because it is complicated and confusing. It's all speculations. 

Dr. Ford can be inaccurate or wrong about her claims. For her to come forward with shameful allegations for a political gain is possible but hard to believe. Anyone can lie and claim anything against a famous or wealthy person for profit.
What I didn't like about Kavanaugh as a judge is that he has anger, lack of professionalism, and inappropriate responses to the questions. He based his defense on blaming the Clintons which is very irrelevant even if it was true. By the way, I do not like the Clintons.
What kind of judge will apply the law fairly if he is that emotional or easily angered, influenced, or act unprofessionally in dealing with allegations? Any lawyer would advise responding, Yes or No, to a Yes or No question. But, like any politician, Kavanaugh was deflecting questions, answering questions with questions which is one of the first signs of lying.

Honesty and decency do not matter anymore these days when a benefit is involved. 
Believe me, being a judge does not mean being decent. Like being a doctor doesn't mean being a saint. Or being a priest doesn't mean, not a child molester!! 
It is Amazing how the Republicans refused Obama's Merrick Garland choice for the supreme court, how they delayed it to after the election just because it was Obama, and how they are supporting Trump's just because he is a Republican. It is amazing how nothing gets done because the Democrats and Republicans never agree. The priority is not the benefit of America but is always the benefit of the party. 

No matter what people may say good things about Kavanaugh, I think he showed his character during the investigation. Everyone has enemies and friends. Anyone may find people to help make him, or her to look good in court or take him or her down. Anita Hill was grilled, and many people including the Senate accused her of lying and supported judge Clarence Thomas in 1991.

I think it was ridiculous and completely off topic when Republican Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana asked Kavangoouh if he believes in god! It reminded me of when I was in Egypt, and some people frequently asked me: "Aren't you a Muslim believing in one Allah, or (and fasting Ramadan), thank God??" What does this have to do with anything?! How is swearing to god a good enough evidence to his innocence? What if he was a Buddhist, a Japanese, a Chinese, or an Atheist?? What would be your argument?! I swear to Budah" or "I swear to Nothing." If you tell a killer; "swear to god that you did not do it, and we will let you go" of course, he will lie and swear to god that he didn't. 

The system is not perfect, and it all becomes just a job. If you work in the Correction Facilities, read about how the system works, or watch documentaries like "Divorce Incorporated" You will realize it is just a job in an imperfect system. 

Practicing Law by lawyers or prosecutors is about winning not about justice. Many innocent people are in prison for pleading guilty for crimes they did not commit. Many minor offenders are in for a very long unfair time because they did not plead to the agreement between Lawyers and prosecutors. Many people plead guilty and serve sentences even they are innocent just to avoid the harsher punishment after a lengthy, complicated procedure which might or might not prove their innocence. Lawyers contribute to Judges' campaigns outside the courtrooms and Judges take the side of the favorite Lawyers, especially in divorce cases. Judgments entirely depend on who is the judge and who is the lawyer. O. J. Sympson was set free on a technicality after he clearly murdered 2 people in spite of 101 pieces of evidence. 

The last thing society needs is a system or a judge who is influenced by anger, politics, personal beliefs, religion, alcohol, sexual orientation, or race.

If none fits,  it doesn't mean we must choose the best unfitting. 
When none is telling the truth, it doesn't mean we must believe the better layer.

Saturday, September 29, 2018


Dear Friend,
Here is my opinion,
I think Prayers provide a sense of spiritual peace and comfort. Prayers offer relief when we can't do anything about a problem. But Prayers never produce anything physical.
From my personal experience and my many failures and few successes, I think it is just simple math; 1+1=2.
If you do nothing, nothing will happen. If you do something, something will happen as a result. If you add 1 to 1, you get 2. If you add prayers to 1, you get 1+prayers which is still a 1 in the physical world and never a 2.

A house will never miraculously build itself by praying. It must be constructed by people and materials with no mistakes so it wouldn't collapse. 
If you do not study Physics, you will fail a Physics test. If you pray all the time, Physics will never come to your brain.
We depend on begging God when it is out of our hands, when it is 50/50, or when we are unable to do it ourselves. If people work hard, and things go their way, they say our prayers worked. But, when things do not go their way, they say "God works in mysterious ways." only to make themselves feel better and justify the lack of hard work, working the wrong way, or the bad luck in some cases. This is why helpless societies rely more on praying than nations with freedom and equal fair opportunities.
You will notice that societies depended strongly on prayers rather than honest hard work do not advance and have higher crime rates like Egypt, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Mexico, Colombia, Guatemala, and even the United States. Atheist Nations which do not pray and just work hard are more advanced and have a lower crime rate like Sweeden, Norway, and Denmark for example. Peace 🙂

Monday, September 24, 2018

More Unsuitable and Contradicting Verses in the Bible

More Unsuitable and Contradicting Verses  in the Bible
1*Anyone had his testicle or penis removed for any reason like injury or cancer, should never enter the church!

Deuteronomy 23:1-2 New International Version (NIV) 1 "No one whose testicles are crushed or whose male organ is cut off shall enter the assembly of the Lord."
2*Anyone was born out of wedlock, his children like orphans, or his children's children even to the 10th generation are not allowed to enter the church.

"No one born of a forbidden marriage nor any of their descendants may enter the assembly of the LORD, not even in the tenth generation."
3*If a man suspects his wife has cheated on him, he may take her to the priest and make her drink special water to abort the infant.

Numbers 5:11-31 The test of unfaithfulness, The suspected unfaithful woman drinks the bitter water which will cause abortion and death of the fetus if she was unfaithful.
4*If you look a woman's beauty and wished to have her or to marry her, you have committed adultery.

Matthew 5:28 "But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart."
5*Jesus came to bring fire and sword to the world, not peace. Jesus came to divide families, and to make people love him more than their fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters. 

Mathew 10:34 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36 and a person’s enemies will be those of his own household. 37 whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 
Luke 12:49 Jesus said, "I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!" 

6*A woman must submit, be quite, never teaches, have no authority, or leadership over man.

1 Timothy 2:11-12 11 "A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet."
7*A woman must wear a headscarf (like Muslim Hijab) to cover her head and hair.

1 Corinthians 11:5-15 "But every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head—it is the same as having her head shaved. For if a woman does not cover her head, she might as well have her hair cut off; but if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, then she should cover her head."

8*The early church terrified its people into willingly giving their positions and punished who kept some money for themselves by death like Ananias and Sapphira.

Acts 5:5-10 "When Ananias heard this, he fell down and died. And great fear seized all who heard what had happened. Then some young men came forward, wrapped up his body, and carried him out and buried him." 

"10 At that moment she fell down at his feet and died. Then the young men came in and, finding her dead, carried her out and buried her beside her husband. 11 Great fear seized the whole church and all who heard about these events."

Notice, there was no mention of witnesses to how they died. It says "she fell down at his feet and died" and "found her dead"

9*Did the priests buy the Field of blood, or did Judas? or did Judas hang himself or fell and his entrails gushed out?
In Mathew, Judas returned the 30 pieces of silver, hanged himself,  and the Priests bought the Field of Blood with it.
In Acts Judas bought the Field of Blood himself with the silver, fell and his intestine came out his body.

Matthew 27:3-8
"Then Judas, his betrayer, seeing that he had been condemned, was remorseful and brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, saying, "I have sinned by betraying innocent blood." And they said, "What is that to us? You see to it!" Then he threw down the pieces of silver in the temple and departed, and went and hanged himself. But the chief priests took the silver pieces and said, "It is not lawful to put them into the treasury, because they are the price of blood." and they consulted together and bought with them the potter's field, to bury strangers in. Therefore that field has been called the field of blood to this day."
Acts 1:15-19
"And in those days Peter stood up in the midst of the disciples (altogether the number of names was about a hundred and twenty), and said, Men and brethren, this Scripture had to be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit spoke before by the mouth of David concerning Judas, who became a guide to those who arrested Jesus; "for he was numbered with us and obtained a part in this ministry." Now this man purchased a field with the wages of iniquity and falling headlong, he burst open in the middle and all his entrails gushed out. And it became known to all those dwelling in Jerusalem; so that field is called in their own language, Akel Dama, that is field of blood."

10*Did the men traveling with Saul hear the sound but not see the light or did they see the light but not hear the sound?
Acts 9 and 22 contradiction
Saul companions Hear but did not see or see but did not hear?
Acts 9:7 "The men traveling with Saul stood there speechless; they heard the sound but did not see anyone."
Acts 22:9 "9 My companions saw the light but did not hear the voice of the one who spoke to me." 

Monday, September 3, 2018

Science is not Voodoo

Science is not voodoo
Humans owe their well being to the hard work of scientists.
Science and experimentation are keeping the world going and advancing.
Science fixed the Ozone and saved us from a disaster.
Experimenting with vaccines saved us from plagues and mass deaths.
Experimenting with drugs helped Cure Hepatitis C and contain AIDS.
Science can save us from global warming and keep us from extinction.
Religious people, basically, do nothing, just pray, and leave it to God. When they do nothing, nothing will happen.
People thank God after scientists have actually helped them and they claim God is higher than science when experimenting fails. When science fails, it only means one more trial and error in the way to perfection.
It is impressive how people thank God for removing a brain tumor while a brilliant, well trained for years, hard-working surgeon and his team have actually done it themselves! If God is omnipotent, why can't he make a priest remove a brain tumor?
When prayers work because of science, people thank God, when prayers fail, they never blame God but say God works in mysterious ways! Prayers will work or fail simply based on the efficiency of the person doing the job.
It is simple: 1+1=2. If you need a 4, you must add a 2 to the left side of the formula. If you pray for years and never add the 2 yourself, you will never get a 4.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

What you'r worth depends on where you are

What you're worth depends on where you are!
Can anyone relate to this? Please reply if you do! 
The Egyptian Soccer player, Mo Salah is Worth $173 million worldwide, but he was buried and had no future in Egypt. Needles to say in spite of him scoring every goal for the national team, Egypt still lost every world cup game even to the very low ranking team of Saudi Arabia. 
Sire Professor Dr. Magdi Yacoub of England is the most excellent heart surgeon in the world, but he was called stupid and made to fail in Egypt. 
My brother is a recognized British Australian and American professor of medicine and surgery, and he teaches his unique style of colon surgery worldwide, but in his country, the faculty of staff downgraded him to just an average medical student and an average physician, and he had no future.
My second brother is the youngest tenured professor of electrical engineering in a most prestigious university in the USA, and he teaches his unique entrepreneur field of engineering worldwide, but he was made just an average student with no expected future in his country.
My third brother is the Manager Pharmacist of the Computer Systems for the largest pharmacy in the USA, but he was an average student and an average retail Pharmacist with no further future in his country.
I like to believe I am a successful Physician with an excellent clinical common sense but I was a below average medical student and an average physician with no further future in my country.
What does that mean?????
I think it means; No matter how your brain is, you are below average in the below average country you are from.
Why? Because when the country is corrupt, its priorities are screwed up by factors like, what is your religion? Or who is your father in the government?
I hope the USA will never get to this low of a standard.
I hope, being White, Black, Democrat, Republican, Christian, Atheist, or others will never become a factor of who you can be and what can you contribute to this country!

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Ways to screw doctors and make them quit

Ways to screw up doctors and make them quit

In the beginning, God created Medicine. A system mandating physicians, to spend most of their time documenting every detail of every visit to prove "we have done nothing wrong" so patients don't win when they sue.
And God saw that was good.

This is a fact, whether doctors deny it or not. The main focus of the majority of physicians is documentation, running tests, and getting consultations. Defensive medicine to protect themselves from medicolegal litigation.
Of course, it is a costly way to practice medicine, and it will bankrupt the system. BUT, who cares, I just want to cover my butt!

It is very common among doctors to document
"discussed with Dr. So and So," "The patient is notified," "Explained to the patient and the family," " The patient did not follow up," " The patient is noncompliant," or "the patients declined colonoscopy." These all are nonmedical, but just paranoid statements inserted in most medical reports, just in case a patient or his family denies explained condition or treatment, claim negligence or reduced level of care.
We actually spend more time teaching medical school and residency to patients and their families more than the time we spend treating them in the hope they do not sue us!

On the second day, around 2009, the God Medicine created Obama, and EMR, for the sake of legibility and to avoid medical errors, and God saw, that was good.
It took doctors months and months of extra work to get used to the new system. It still takes longer time especially for doctors who are not used to typing. They said they will pay incentive for doing this but they were very creative about, how not to pay. Actually, I got paid about 6% of what they said they would have paid.

On the third day, the God Medicine created the Meaningful Use Criteria (more accurately, The Meaningless Criteria) and God saw that was good.
They cut our pay when we didn't fulfill those Meaningless Criteria. I never could satisfy them, criteria because they are meaningless. So, I gave up. They disqualified me for variable reasons like; may patients did not send me enough emails, or they made a mistake.

Even though I used EMR from day one in my private practice, I wasn't paid because I missed the criteria by 0.5%.
Medicare increasingly cut my pay by 2% each year, year after year. We, doctors, spend an average 66 cents on the dollar to run the practice. The 2% pay cut/year is actually a 6% profit. This is on top of not getting paid for other bizarre reasons. I found out that I haven't been paid for services I have been providing to my patients over 3 and 4 years. Medicare demands me to bill the supplemental insurance, and the supplemental insurance requires me to bill Medicare, and I get lost in the middle. To save me an aneurysm or at least hemorrhoids, I accepted not to get paid, and I stopped seeing Medicare patients.

On the fourth day, the God Medicine created ICD 9 which had 10,000 codes representing 10,000 diagnoses. Doctors are not paid when not using a specific code. There were payable and non-payable codes for the same diagnosis. Over the years, every time Doctors mastered a payable code, it became non-payable the next year and so on.

So, On the fifth day, the God Medicine created ICD, 10 which has 40,000 codes. And the dance around payable and non-payable codes continued, but at 40,000 code complexity.

On the sixth day, the God Medicine created the "Annual AV" reports for all senior patients. It is a complex report, maybe 10 pages long/patient. It is a tedious job, and Sometimes it takes one to two hours per patient.
For just an example, doctors need to document if a patient had a cataract, if so, in which eye right or left, has it been surgically corrected or not? If yes, WHEN?? Doctors have to go back and dig into the charts to document the exact date a patient had a god damn cataract surgery! One year, I was so frustrated because all my reports were returned for corrections. So, I decided not to do these damn reports.
I was penalized by losing a very very big chunk of money, over $45,000 which included all my "bonus".
The next year I spent all of my time doing those reports.
By the way, each year, the AV reports requirements have been changing and increasing. However, doctors are still mastering them.

On the seventh day, you would think the God Medicine rested or took the day off, But NO, he created a new thing to de-valuate physicians. On the seventh day, the God Medicine created The Star System, like in hotels or preschool.
Basically, when doctors lose stars, they get paid less. Needless to say, it is impossible to have all 5 of them, stars.
If patients eat a lot and do not lose weight doctors lose stars. If they eat a lot and do not control their diabetes, doctors lose stars. If they do not take their medicine and blood pressure go up the roof, doctors lose stars. If Patients refuse to get their ass holes propped, doctors also lose stars too.

The crazy thing is, you get 1 to 5 stars per category no matter how many patients are in the category.
So, if a doctor has a 100 patients in the Diabetes category and he or she fulfills Hgb A1c control he gets 5 stars. However, if he has 1 undocumented Rheumatoid patient (like those immigrants), he gets 1 star and becomes a 3-star doctor instead of 4.96039 stars.
Guess what? This stupid and mentally retarded star system will only lower doctors' pay!

So, in conclusion, doctors spend way more time struggling to collect and record data for the CMS than the time actually spend treating patients.
The only way to keep up with this is to hire people to do all the bureaucratic nonmedical work and pay them most of the income

It helps when to lose autonomy and get employed by a hospital, or incorporation and take it .....Yes Sir, Yes Sir, paycheck to paycheck.

I don't know what is the God Medicine is doing with all these data, but for sure I know it did never improve the healthcare outcome. It only took away doctors time and effort from the patient care.

Healthcare in America costs 10s of times more than anywhere in the world yet the quality is lower than many countries in the world like in France, England, Newzealand, Australia, and Canada.
Doctors, especially Primary Care doctors get pay cuts in so many creative ways.

Doctors get new suffocating time-consuming regulations and get DE-VALUATED by Medicare, Insurances, PPOs, HMOs, Medicaid, HIPAA, Prior Authorizations, One Minute Clinics, Meaningful Use, needless Pharmacy Reminders and Drug Warnings which does nothing but waste our valuable time. They all are devaluating physicians and making the practice of medicine impossible. They control and reduce doctors income, and force physicians down to become just ordinary employees. What a waste of expertise, intelligence, and a lifetime of hard work

Friday, August 17, 2018

10 top scientific facts of the bible couldn't be more wrong!

These 10 top scientific facts of the bible couldn't be more wrong, and nothing is scientific about them
Here is why 

Wrong fact # 10- Job 26:7 "the earth hangs on nothing," i.e., the earth hangs in space

This contradicts what Job stated later which is the earth is laid on foundations, has a cornerstone, and footings! Job 38:4 "where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? On what were its footings set? who laid its cornerstone?"
This actually means nothing because it doesn't state any facts about the earth is a ball and rotates around the sun and it contradicts itself a few chapters later.
Job 38:13 also says " who might take hold of the earth's ends, that the wicked might be shaken off it" which means the earth has ends (not a ball) and god will hold them and shake the wicked off it. 
If Job 26:7 meant that earth is a ball in space then why did the church tortured Bruno to death when he stated similar facts.

Wrong fact # 9- Leviticus 15:13 "wash under running water," i.e., God knew that washing hands protect from disease.

Washing with just water does not efficiently kill bacteria but with water and bacteriocidal soap. If this was true then why didn't god merely say wash under running water with soap to kill bacteria. Why didn't God tell people about bacteria? Why did Jesus ridicule the Jews for caring so much about washing their hands? Why didn't Jesus scold his disciples for not washing their hands? Mathew 15:2

Wrong fact # 8- Leviticus 17:11 "life of the flesh is in the blood,"i.e., blood can diagnose diseases and save lives.

This part of Leviticus was about forbidding eating blood because blood makes atonement by sacrifice and not about blood diagnose diseases. Leviticus 17: 1o-11 "I will set my face against that person who eats blood.... the life of the flesh is in the blood...for it is the blood that makes the atonement." 
It doesn't take a genius to know that life is in the blood because anyone bleeds out dies. 
Urine diagnoses disease too, why didn't the bible say "life of the flesh is in the urine"?
In some cases, feces transfusion in gastroenteritis saves lives too. Does that mean "life of the flesh is in the feces"?

Wrong fact # 7- Isaia 40:22 "It is he who sits above the circle of the earth,"i.e., the earth is round.

It is straightforward to claim the earth is a circle because the horizon looks like a circle. A circle is flat and not a ball. Again, Job states the earth is laid on foundations, has a cornerstone, and footings! Job 38:4 "where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? On what on what were its footings set? who laid its cornerstone?" Here the bible claims the earth is flat not a ball, that is why the church imprisoned Bruno and Galileo for saying so. Unless you try to tell the heads of the church got it wrong and did not know the bible for 1600 years. When Galileo invented the telescope, he said to them the earth is a ball hanging in space rotating around the sun.

Wrong fact # 6- Psalm 8:8 "the fish of the sea and whatsoever passeth throw the paths of the seas,"i.e., God is talking about the hot and cold current of the oceans.

When you read the rest of the Psalm, you realize he is talking about God making human lower than the angles, and dominant over everything like animals, beasts, birds, and fish in the sea. Psalm 8:5-8 "Thou madest him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honor. Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet. All sheep and oxen, yea, and the beasts of the fields, the fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas.
The seas have paths, people and fish have traveled through the waters all the time. 
How exactly does this explain the hot and cold currents of the oceans?? If so why did not the bible say "and whatsoever passeth through the hot and cold currents of the oceans, not the seas"?

Wrong fact # 5- Job 38: 35 Do you send the lightning bolts on their way? Do they report to you, 'Here we are'? i.e., God is talking about sending radio waves to talk to each other.  

There is nothing here about sending radio waves to talk to each other in this verse! God was asking if you can throw bolts of lightning and if the lightning can speak to you and say here we are! 
When you read the entire chapter you find that God is asking Job rhetorical questions which the answer to all of them is obviously No. like in Job 38:34 "Can you raise your voice to the clouds and cover yourself with a flood of water? 
Also, lightning is not radio wave but photons and electrical waves or charges. Again, the strange thing is in the same chapter Job 38:4 "Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? 6 On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone- fundamentally contradict that claim the earth is hanging in space as it says the God has set the earth on foundations and cornerstones!

Wrong fact # 4 - Genesis 2: Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array. This sets the roles of thermodynamics.

Thermodynamics is the science of transforming forms of energies into other forms like chemical energy into thermal, electrical, light, or mechanical energies.
The narrator does not know what thermodynamics is! This is really bizarre. If this verse sets the roles of thermodynamics, then anything can mean anything! 
Genesis is full of numerous scientific mistakes about the beginning of the universe and earth. For just one example, in Genesis 1: God created light on day 1 and later called it a day before he actually created the sun on day 4!!! How is it possible to have the sun's light before creating the sun itself?? We can write pages and pages about the factual mistakes in Genesis if you are interested in learning.

Wrong fact # 3 - Genesis 6 The dimensions of Noah's Ark are the perfect ratios to build cruise ships. 

The expert shipbuilders state that is it impossible for a ship to float or stay steady in one piece if it was made of wood by the dimensions of Noah's ark described in Geneses. An Iron modern ship with the same dimensions or ratios will float though because it is not wood but Iron. The story of the flood is a modified copy of the Epic of Gilgamesh which was written 100s of years before the bible which was written around 500 BC. Not to mention the impossibility of 9,000,000 animal species to fit in such a ship for several months.

Wrong fact # 2 - Leviticus 13:46 taught the human to quarantine people with skin diseases before medicine discovered infection. 

The ancients were very concerned about Leprosy. The swelling, scab, or bright spot in (Leviticus 13:2-28) is Psoriasis: a chronic, non-infectious non-contagious skin disease, characterized by the presence of well-demarcated, slightly raised reddish patches of various sizes covered by dry grayish-white or silvery scales. 
An infection on the head of beard in (Leviticus 13:29-37) is Favus: a much more severe and damaging infection in which the fungus invades both the hair and the full thickness of the skin. Bright spots on the skin in (Leviticus 13:38-39) is Leucoderma: a slightly disfiguring condition in which patches of otherwise normal skin lose their natural coloring and become completely white. 

I don't think the bible has been a good dermatologist or doctor. It never mentioned bacteria needless to say the text considered Epilepsy, Schizophrenia, Fever, and hallucinations demon position requiring rituals to cast the demons which frequently ended in killing the diseased person. 

Wrong fact # 1 - Job 40 “Behold, Behemoth, which I made as I made you; he eats grass like an ox" ie God created the Dinosaurs. 

What an unbelievable contradiction. How could the bible believe in the creation of dinosaurs whose fossils are proven to be at least 65 million years old yet the text states the earth was created only 6000 years ago based on no evidence whatsoever. The Narrator claims the behemoth is the dinosaur, and it eats grass!  Some dinosaurs ate vegetations and most others ate meat. How is a Behemoth a Dinosaur? By the way, Behemoth or Behema in Arabic means caws, bulls, and buffaloes.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Why Do I Shut Down? It is the Child in Me!

Why do I shut down? It is the child in me!
After one has had enough experience with drama, blames, unnecessary problems, and arguments in his life, for many years, he would only want peace and to avoid getting into debates. 

After many years of personal experience, I realize life is too short to deal with unnecessary problems or be sad and angry about things that could have been avoided. It is frustrating to spend too much time and effort arguing trying to prove "I am good." If someone does not recognize you are good on his or her own, don't waste your breath. 

Life in my eyes should be much more straightforward. I always try to mean good. I never try to hurt someone or take what is not mine. I have always been kind to strangers. I help and helped anyone in need without expecting anything back or asking for something back while no one helped me in times of need. I was a very very good smart boy, but I was always ridiculed, punished and made feel stupid and guilty for no good enough reasons or for reasons that I do not really understand. I had my feelings and needs to be discounted all the time. I did not argue, and I followed all the rules, God's rules, social rules, and even father's rules, and it led me to nowhere when it came to my feelings or needs. I do not want this to happen to me again, and I do not have the energy to argue anymore especially to prove I meant good. 

I think one of the main reasons for divorce, besides being lied to, is the constant oppositional arguments and the fact of only trying to win the arguments. I think communication and understanding each other is more important than who is right and who is wrong. One time, one of my Exes argued and argued and argued with me about something I was not comfortable with, and I didn't feel good about until I was tired and stopped to explain my feelings. (So my x won). I asked her "do you think you won the argument?" she said "yes." I said, "You may think you won but you have lost big time." This was because she never tried to understand my feeling or to make me comfortable. She only wanted to defeat me, force me into what I don't like. So, we both lost! 

I think using the silence treatment and putting the partners on guard, as well as discounting their intentions is a form of emotional abuse. I think keeping a partner feeling guilty and guessing without clear communication is an unhealthy form of emotional abuse and control. We have learned these harmful but beneficial ways to control our partners from our parents and the society. I always try to unlearn this, but it takes hard effort to unlearn it. 

I think a good relationship is built on communication and understanding and has no winners or losers, no right, and wrong. I think it is always better to try to make the other loved one feel better. I think if the two sides do this all the time, life will be beautiful. That is what I am trying to do, and now I have too. Of course, this should be mutual from both sides. One side should never use this method to take advantage of or control the other.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Fetish and Toys

Fetishism is a fixation on a non-sexual object or acts to achieve sexual stimulation or satisfaction. It can be related to several factors. Like Obsessive-compulsiveness, Fetishism may be mainly psychological and related to early experiences of sexual desires. For example, in obsessive-compulsive disorder, a person may wash his hands 100s of times to achieve satisfaction about clean hands or turn the light switch on and off a certain number of times to feel safe. Foot fetish, for example, could be an ongoing fixation on feet after seeing feet while discovering new sexual desires. A Fascination with women underwear can develop as they are firmly in contact with women genitalia. Early sexual experiences may actively shape the sexual behavior and preference of a person for the rest of his or her life.

Men’s fascination with breasts can be a physiological phenomenon as large breasts mean well-fed babies and a higher chance of survival of the offspring. However, excessive fascination with breasts could be related to prolonged attachment to breasts and breastfeeding as a toddler hence the feeling of security. Or it could be because of a lack of enough breastfeeding and a continuous need for the safety of the mother’s (female) breasts.

BDSM includes bondage and discipline (B&D), dominance and submission (D&S). Submissive enjoys the thrill of powerlessness, being trained, lectured, and/or controlled movement. There are many types of toys used for spanking. Each toy is made of a different material such as leather, latex, rode, metal, and etc. Each different material and texture gave a different feel and the sound to whipping.

Other new information that I have learned is the person who has the most power in a BDSM (Bondage, Discipline, Sado-Masochism) relationship is the submissive. I thought the dominant orders the submissive whatever he or she likes and the submissive has to do it even if he or she doesn't want to or doesn’t like it. However, on the contrary, the dominant only orders what the submissive agreed upon. There might be a punished if the submissive doesn't obey. The punishment could be in the form of agreed-upon spanking using hand or other things. There is usually a code word to stop when the submissive can’t take it. On the other side, in playing the role of a slave, the slave would do what the master orders even if it is unliked. There could be some form of humiliation as well.

There is a variety of different toys for different pleasures. The most common known toys are the vibrators. However, to the contrary, the preferred vibrator was the egg, not the dildo, because the egg can be used to stimulate the clitoris, the vagina, or be put in the panties and operated with the remote control. There are also toys to be inserted in the anus to enhance the feeling of orgasm in women or massage the prostate and enhance the sense of ejaculation in men. Some of the most popular are lubricants. There are many kinds of lubricants, but the safest is the water-based ones. Some oils cause stimulation by releasing a tingling sensation, but they are not highly recommended for fear of possible skin irritation or allergic reactions.

Sexuality and Aging

Sexuality is usually intense in the young and in the new relationships. In a new relationship, a young couple is full of curiosity and desire for each other. They look for opportunities to have sex anytime and anywhere. They are always motivated and in the mood for sex. It never matters if one will wake up early to work or school, or how late they went to bed the night before. It never matters if they have been exhausted after a long day of travel, work, or after hiking 20 miles. They would have a quickie or a long lasted sex at any time anywhere in the house.

By the time a relationship gets olde the couple also ages. Even though love may become stronger between the two, sex becomes less spontaneous, less intense, and more of a routine and a chore. The busy life schedule and many responsibilities get in the way of the spontaneity and the frequency of sex in the older couples. With age, testosterone levels drop hence libido and the need for sex decrease too. It takes longer and gets harder for older couples to get aroused, and sex might become a chore.

The jokes are funny because they summarize the facts about sex in the elder. Often the two would cover up the lack of desire or mood with excuses like “I am tired and exhausted,” or “I am so stressed out about work or a problem,” “the kids are outside,” or the most famous excuse “I have a headache.” Sex becomes less and less essential or frequent in the elderly because of boredom, fatigue, lack of libido, physical weakness, impotence, or giving priority to other life duties.

Biology of the Female Attraction to Male

It has been explained from a biological point of view how females and males are attracted to particular features of each other.

For example, females are attracted to males with broad shoulders because it indicates strength and the ability to protect the woman and her offspring. Women are attracted to the muscular body of a man because it means the ability to work hard to provide for his female and secure health of her offspring. Women are attracted to males with facial features like square Jaw and thick facial hair as well as body hair because it indicated a higher level of testosterone and virility.
Females are also attracted to men with muscular round buttocks because it indicates strong thrust and securing fertilization. It is also known that women have a hidden sense of smell which recognizes and attracts them to males of distant genetic relation more than genetically related males which guarantees a better gene pool for the offspring. Mainly a woman is physically attracted to men features which ensure the security, safety, and survival of her and her family as well as better genetic characters for her children.
In our modern society, survival and safety do not depend on bodily strength anymore. However, now survival depends on status and wealth. Status and wealth are achieved by success and or intelligence. The biology of love and attraction has changed with time and women are maybe more attracted to smart, successful men than strong or good-looking men.
When my wife was asked "Why are you attracted to him" She said;
"When I met my husband I found him very attractive. He has broad shoulders, V-shaped body, strong muscular arms, and a smooth firm butt. I was attracted by his facial features especially his nose. Even though he did not like his nose, it looked masculine to me. I am especially attracted to the smell of his skin, I can just stick my nose in his neck all day. His kindness and understanding are what I am most attracted to. I feel he knows me very well and he protects my feelings. I am attracted to his knowledge, personality, and intelligence, and I enjoy listening to him talk. I am also attracted to his professional success in life. He might not look like a movie star, but I am attracted to him because he makes me feel safe, accepted, and loved."
I assumed the biology of love may be purely physical, but the roles of love and attraction in the human animal have changed by the evolution as what provides safety in modern life have changed. 

Factors contributing to sexual orientation.

Factors contributing to sexual orientation.

Sexual orientation is the person’s attraction to a particular gender (male or female or both). There are heterosexual, heteroflexible, homosexual, bisexual, pansexual, and many other sexual orientations. Sexual orientation is formed based on several factors in a person's life.

● Anatomy, biology, and hormones

Anatomically, boys and girls are almost the same till age 5 or 6. However, many homosexuals claim they knew their sexual orientation at a very young age. So far, there is no proven hormonal or anatomical differences between heterosexual and homosexual males, or heterosexual and lesbian females. Science has not established that anatomy and hormones have a role in sexual orientation yet. Extreme anatomical and hormonal cases like hermaphrodite is a different story. A hermaphrodite is usually a female phenotype with the 2 male and female sex organs. This is not a case of sexual orientation, homosexuality or bisexuality, this is a case of actual hermaphroditic.

● Identity, feelings, and emotions

Sexual identity starts with the parents and society identifying a child as a boy or girl from birth. A child is actually taught to recognize himself or herself as a boy or girl by his parent and the society. What a child learns and believes at a very young age is usually imprinted in his or her belief system. It is like learning to speak a language marked on the hard drive of his or her brain computer. This is why in many cases there is a struggle when a person feels different than what society have decided for him or her at a very young age. Sexual identity is different from a sexual orientation in non-heterosexual individuals. A person can be a gender but feel and have the emotions of the same gender, the other gender, both genders, or neither.

● Appearance

It is noticeable that some gay men look and act feminine and some lesbians look and act masculine. However, this can be a learned behavior since the same person may change his or her behavior and voice too. In some cases, boys with feminine looking features or girls with masculinity may be stereotyped as gay or homosexual. However, this may change entirely with puberty. So, a person’s appearance may not be a factor in deciding a person’s sexual orientation.

● Experience and environment
Some claim when a person experiments with homosexuality in early life, he or she may turn homosexual. There has not been any proves or basis for this proposal. Also, this proposal doesn’t explain homosexuality in animals or primates. 10% of goats are homosexual even some are monogamous. Almost all bonobo monkeys are bisexual. In some countries, like Afghanistan, men practice pedophilia by choosing a boy from a young age and use him until he is a teenager. If such a boy turns out to be a receiving homosexual, it could be just a learned behavior since he was forced into it from a very young age. It can be just a way to survive too. Forced homosexuality in such a society is similar to compulsory heterosexuality in others.

Compulsory heterosexuality and how society may influence the expression of sexuality

Compulsory heterosexuality is considered a normal sexual relation in many societies. The Relationship between a man and a woman is the only relationship that is acceptable in numerous cultures. Heterosexuality is usually a social obligation for everyone to have sexual activity only with the opposite sex to have children. Compulsory heterosexuality forces individuals to suppress their sexual desires and orientation to fit into the society. This undoubtedly influences the expression of sexual preference. Lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders, queers and or questioning (LGBTQ) are forced into marriages with their opposite gender to have children disregarding their sexual desires or preference.

Factors affected her sexual orientation and attraction.

She Stated:
"I believe my experience and environment have significantly affected my sexual expression. My father and mother have been divorced before I was born. I grow up in a house full of only women.  I lived with my mother, my aunts who were separated from their husbands too, and female cousins. I had no male role model to support my childhood or give me a male parental love. I missed on the feeling of protection, security, or support provided by a father."

"My mother and aunts were not educated and never gave me any sexual teaching. They haven't even taught me about expecting my first monthly menstrual period which was a shocking, and terrifying experience. I also spent my puberty in a Catholic all-girls school, and sex talk or education was forbidden by society, as well as the family. I grew up sheltered by women. I was told what to do all the time, and I followed. I never had experience on my own. I was and still am naive."

"At a young age, I found myself to be attracted to beautiful girls not in a sexual way, but in a romantic way. I used to collect beautiful model pictures and keep them in a notebook. I felt nervous, and my heart was beating fast the first time I saw a naked girl in the school showers when I was a teenager. I was excited about her body and breasts, but not her genitals.

In high school, I had an innocent friendship with a boy. I went to his home to do homework once, and right away he spread a rumor that we had sex. I heard the boys and girls whisper nasty things about me. I was the most popular and highest grades but, all my friends abandoned me, and I spent the rest of high school alone. Some of my classmates whom I thought are my friends stole my homework more than once, and I had to redo it 3 times. My friends wrote unsigned nasty letters and left it on my desk. I didn’t trust friends anymore.

"At 16, I fell for the first older guy who told me he liked me. From 16 to 21, I was in a relationship with a person who hurt me, used me, cheated on me, controlled me, terrified me, and threatened to spray acid on my face and kill me if I leave him. I thought this was normal. At 21, my family tricked me into coming to America for fear of my X boyfriend might hurt me more." 

"in America, I had another relationship with a guy who lied to me, used me, cheated on me and I found out that he had a fiance. Again, I thought it was normal. I made new friends who were girls, and they betrayed me like my high school friends. We went to a club to dance together, but at midnight, they all hooked up with boys and abandoned me. They left me alone at midnight without a ride home. Other friends borrowed my money and never gave it back. I realized I don't make new friends because I learned the hard way not to trust friends."

"Because all of the above, I am not sexually attracted to boys my age because I find them to be childish, immature and not to be trusted. I am not attracted to pretty girls my age because I find them to be selfish, not sincere, and want to have what is mine. I find myself attracted to an older mature, stable man who will protect, support, and love me like the father I never had. I still feel more comfortable to follow than to make decisions. So, I find myself to be safer with a strong man who will make decisions for me or who is even controlling but honest, loving, and a caring father figure. When it comes to girls, I like cute petite girls who would submit to me and whom I can protect and control a little. I do not like girls who are stronger than me because I am afraid they may betray me like before. I like pretty girls bodies but not genitals."!