Friday, July 13, 2018

Religion and Sex

Religion and sex

Religious beliefs have a tremendous but mainly negative impact on sex and sexuality for thousands of years. Egyptian and Greek methodologies are probably the only beliefs encouraged sex without guilt. Some other religions may have favored reproduction. However, they looked at sex as a form of degradation and considered celibacy a path to achieve a higher spiritual level and higher status of knowledge. Religions which reasoned sex impure or a sinful pleasure have caused individuals to suffer guilt and shame and subsequently loss of the enjoyment of sex for thousands of years. Definitely, women have enjoyed sex much less than men over the years because of their religious beliefs. Homosexuals had to hide their sexuality believing they are ill or committing a crime against their society and religion.

It seems many religions considered sex a form of transgression, except for, maybe the ancient Egyptian and the Greek mythologies. Sex was an essential part of life, open, and unattained with guilt in ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptians believed life started on earth when the god Atum masturbated and swallowed his own semen, then spat it onto the land. The Egyptian gods had sex, and some were depicted with erected penises as a sign of fertility. They believed sex will continue in the afterlife. Tales of sex, adultery, homosexuality, incest, and masturbation were familiar. The ancient Egyptians had prescriptions for contraception, so women can enjoy sex as long as they want without having children. The Egyptians celebrated the feasts of Queen Hatshepsut by drinking beer and dancing all day, then engaging in sex while in a trance state. An Egyptian papyrus depicting different sex positions similar to the Kamasutra was discovered in the 19th century.

The ancient Greeks were very open-minded about sexuality and had a big appetite for all kinds of sex. Their gods were scandalous and sex deviants precisely like humans. Heterosexuality, Homosexuality, and Bisexuality used to be a norm. Alexander the Great was a bisexual. Artifacts of Phallic sex objects to please women and achieve orgasm are found and depicted in the ancient Greek icons. Masturbation was considered normal, but thought to be a waste of semen and just for the slaves or the low-status people who cannot have sex. The Romans had similar sexuality in spite of different views on homosexuality.

In ancient China, Taoism considered sex a form of joining energy and essence. They believed the joining of the Ying and the Yang is a path to health and longevity. Thunder was depicted as an act of sex between the heavens and the earth. In a way, sex was encouraged. However, Taoism looked at body fluids as a source of life and vitality; hence it has to be conserved. The act of sex was supposed to be performed by avoiding ejaculation. Some society allowed ejaculation in exceptional circumstances and others prohibited it altogether. Some cultures even believed women are the enemy because they consume semen and subsequently reduce men's vitality.

In Hinduism and Jainism, sex is considered one of the essential pillars of life, hence the Kamasutra depictions of different positions to perform sex. However, chastity was sought to achieve higher spirituality and knowledge. Buddhism considered craving a form of suffering and sex was a degradation. Monks and nuns pursuit the highest level of spiritual status by abstaining from sex.

Judaism looked at women as less, impure and untouchable during the menstrual period. It considered sex an impure act which requires purification by washing the body after intercourse. It strictly regulated sex and submitted severe fatal punishments for nontraditional forms of sex, sex outside marriage and infidelity.  Judaism considered Homosexuality an abomination and is punished by death according to the book of Leviticus. Lust is a major sin.

Christianity completely opposed the Greek and Roman sexuality. It almost demonized sex, and until recently it limited sex for the purpose of procreation. It even limited sex to only one position. The Catholic Church is still against contraception even the use of condoms in the AIDS infested areas of Africa. Virgin men and women have a particular higher rank in heaven next to god according to the book of Revelation and the teachings of Saint Paul. Looking at a woman to lust or enjoy her sexual appearance is considered spiritual fornication and it is punishable by eternal hell according to Matthew so is masturbation of course. Not to mention, homosexuality is an abomination according to Corinthians.

Islam allowed endless sex, but for men only according to the Quran, Hadith, and Sharia Law. Men are permitted sex with their wives as well as women who are captured in a war which is considered, in some opinions, an act of rape and slavery. Islam allows polygamy and commanded women to always submit to please their husband anytime sex is demanded. Rebelient women were also often kept in the “house of obedience” until they submit to their husbands. On the other hand, until today in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and other countries if a woman was found to be not a virgin on the night of her wedding she and her family will be shamed and humiliated forever. Also, there is a considerable possibility she will be killed or stoned to death after being raped by the good samaritans and the defenders of religion. According to Hadith and Sahih Bukhari, It is strongly recommended to circumcise girls by cutting off the clitoris to ensure women do not have a sex drive to not commit infidelity and guarantees a man can keep his harem in check. Some followers consider women impure. They have to wash and pray one more time if they touch a woman before or during prayer. Men especially who are killed in Jihad against the infidels will be rewarded by having endless sex for eternity with a multitude of paradise virgins (the Houris). According to the Bukhari, The Houris are beautiful eyed and bodied young hairless except the eyebrows and head virgins of paradise (Jenah) who remain virgins after sex. They do not urinate, defecate or menstruate, and they have libidinous vaginas to please the Muslim men in heaven, especially the martyrs of Jihad. The martyrs will also be served fruits and wine in the afterlife by good-looking boys.  Homosexuality in Islam is an abomination punished by execution or being thrown from the top of the highest building.

Many religions looked at women as less than men, demonized masturbation, demonized homosexual intercourse, and favored celibacy over sex. Many religions had and still have false guilt initiating mythical believes about forms of sex. When it comes to sex and sexuality, I think it has been proven sex is a natural human clean gift to enjoy and wasting it is a significant loss. Masturbation is normal. Homosexuality is just a form of sex. Women are as equal and vital to please as men. Nothing should initiate guilt about any thought or act related to sex.

If I choose a religion, I might prefer the ancient Egyptian or the Greek faiths for they had the most correct, natural, and guilt-free approach to sex. My second choice is to be a wealthy Muslim male in a Muslim society or a Muslim martyr in paradise! However, I would rather be a Nontheist than a believer in any religion because every religion has some form of non-factual mythical believes, restrictions, and sometimes they dehumanize sex and sexuality. I would rather be a believer in science because science frees the mind from the mythological superstitions which have had controlled human sexuality for thousands of years.


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