Sunday, December 8, 2019

Can a woman go to Church for communion while bleeding?

Can a woman go to Church for communion while bleeding? Yes, or No, and Why?

25 minutes of contradictions.
In summary, here is what I got from this video;

1- Father Boutros Samy said; Some Coptic Churches in Egypt prohibit women from going to church, taking communion, or even going to Sunday school while bleeding during menstruation or after giving birth because they are impure as stated in the Bible. And that is wrong.
(So, the Bible tradition is Women are impure while bleeding but that's wrong?)

2- Father Boutros agrees; The Coptic Church Law States that a boy is to be baptized at the age of 40 days and a girl at 80 days because a woman stays unclean or impure for 40 days after giving birth to a boy and for 80 days after giving birth to a girl. 
(A woman is double impure after giving birth to a girl compared to giving birth to a boy?)

3- Father Boutros discussed; The Old Testament states that women are unclean and impure while bleeding during menstruation or after birth even men become unclean if they touch them. (Leviticus 12:2, 15:19-30, 18:19, 20:19, and so on.) But Jesus abolished that in the New Testament, and we don't believe in it anymore because he let the bleeding woman touch him (Mathew 9:20) (Luke 8:43-46)
(So, we believe in the Old Testament, but we don't believe or follow it anymore?)

4- Priest Boutros claimed; We believe and follow the laws of the Old Testament because it is symbolic and it contains the prophecy of the New Testament. The New Testament is a continuation of the Old Testament. Jesus followed the Law and he said, "I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them" But he abolished considering women impure among many other things.
(So, Jesus did not abolish the Old Testament Law and abolished it too?)

5- Father Boutros explained the Old and The New Testaments state that women are unclean and less than men. As men have seniority over women since Adam was created before Eve, and Eve was created from Adam. (for example, in many chapters in Leviticus and in 1 Timothy 2:11-15). Father explained; Women being less is not a punishment, but it is because the first woman failed and tempted Adam into disobeying God.
(So, women being less than men is not a punishment, but it is still a punishment?) 

6- Father Boutros stated that “Women being impure or less than men” is a Jewish belief. Because the old church was established by Jews converted to Christianity, the early Church followed the Jewish Laws like circumcision and the church continues to follow them till now!
(So, Coptic Christians have been following Jewish laws for the past 2000 years?)

7- Father stated; We respect and follow the Old Testament, but we should not consider women too impure and make it easy on women. However, at the same time, we will not permit women to take communion when bleeding during their period until the church changes the laws (which have not been changed for 2000 years?).
(So, we should follow the Old Testament laws, but we shouldn’t believe in them?) 
(So, we should not follow the old laws, but we will follow them anyway, but not exactly, so we make it easy on women?)

I heard Father Daoud Lamai once claiming that the Church prohibits women or "excuse them" from attending church and communion while menstruating because the church does not want to trouble women with the burden of leaving the house when they are uncomfortable with the bleed and cramps. This is quite a falsification of all the written verses in the Bible.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

10 Facts about Gender Inequality

10 Facts about Gender Inequality

1- High professional job inequality.
60% of young doctors are females.

2- Education inequality
60% of college students are females.
3- Family court inequality

4- Stress and depression leading to suicide inequality
Men are 3.5 times more likely to die by suicide than women.

5- Life expectancy inequality
Females live longer than males. Life expectancy for females is 81 years and for males is 76 years in the US.

6- Life value inequality
In a life-threatening situation, Women and children are saved first.

7- Job quality inequality
The top ten most dangerous jobs are predominantly men's jobs.​
8- Job safety inequality
Men are 10 times more likely to get killed at work than women.
9- Justice system inequality
Males are 6 times more likely to be in prison than females. Males may commit more crimes than females, but the law is firmer against males who commit the same crimes as women?
10- Pay inequality
Calculated Controlled Gender Pay Gap reveals Women earn ​98 c for every $1 earned by men in the same job and same qualifications. It is a very small difference due to the opportunity gap, as women may attend to family and children which gives men more opportunity to advance. The Calculated Uncontrolled Gender Pay Gap reveals women earn 79c for every $1 earned by men which is not accurate as it compares money made by all men to money made by all women in general regardless of positions, education, or qualifications. In general, fewer women seek higher positions due to social and maternity needs. Hence more men work, and more men have higher positions and make more money. But there is no gender gap between men and women if they both provide the same qualifications, time, and effort in a job.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Middel Class Crush

In America, you are happier If you are penniless and depend on the government aid or if you are a billionaire and don't need the government, but not in the middle class. Let us talk numbers. If you don't have a job or no income, you may get housing assistance (section 8), food stamps, free healthcare, you don't pay any taxes, but you get tax aid and your children get low-income scholarships and go to college for free. That's at least $5,000/month= 60,000/year in aid. If you work 40 hours a week at $45/hour, you will make 90,000 a year get taxed 33% and end up making 60,000/year, the same money you get in aid. However, all the assistance will be taken away from you, and you will pay for everything and your Children's college and healthcare to end up broke! Why work at all?! If you are not a billionaire you are a Middle-class and the Middle class is crushed in America.

Monday, April 15, 2019

On 9/11 Some people did something

On 9/11 Some people did something
Ilhan Omar is claiming Americans have been treating Muslim Americans as second class Citizens! Then, how the hell did she become a US House Representative, while she doesn't even deserve to be an American?!
I think she may benefit the experience of being a first-class citizen in an Islamic country like Saudi Arabia or Sudan. Ilhan better takes an extended look at the real second class citizens like the Christians in Muslim countries or women in her home Muslim Somalia!
9/11 was the most horrific day of my life and every loyal American's life. 2,976 Americans were brutally burned alive and murdered in one day, on American soil, by the hands of 19 Muslim hijackers. 19 Terrorists killed more Americans in one day than Japan did in the attack on Pearl Harbor WWII.
It is evident that some people like Ilhan Omar and Linda Sarsour do not have loyalty to the USA but to their headscarf! Omar's hijab is not a fashion statement; it is a religious statement; I wear a veil because I follow the fundamental rules of my religion. Omar, like all apologists, may deny 9/11 has anything to do with Islam in spite of the facts, 9/11 was committed by 19 Fundamental Muslims under the leadership of a well respected international Fundamental Muslim leader.
From experience in the Middle East, most if not all Muslim countries consider 9/11 a victory of Islam over the infidels. In the Islamic Middle East, 9/11 is called the New York Foray to make it equal to the battles of the prophet Muhammed such as Badr Foray, Uhud Foray, Al Ahzab Foray, Banu Quraizah Foray, and so on. When I was in Egypt, I found some Muslim apologists believing that America did 9/11 and killed its people to frame Islam and Bin Laden!!!! What a delusion and what a denial! It is always a conspiracy against Islam!
The Somali Refugee Ilhan Omar was most probably celebrating 9/11 on 9/11/2001 with the Paterson, New Jersey Muslims because she sounds exactly like them! Omar may minimize 9/11 like all the fundamentalists minimize the Jewish Holocaust in WWII or the Christian Armenian Massacre by the Turks from 1915 to 1917 which is still denied by Turkey until today! Now the new thing is (9/11 was some people did something).
We keep dealing with the (Same shit different toilet!)

Saturday, February 23, 2019

What does it mean to uncover someone's nakedness in the Bible?

What does it mean to uncover someone's nakedness in the Bible?

What does it mean Ham saw Noah's nakedness when he got drunk and naked? Why did Noah Curse Canaan and not Ham in Geneses 9? This is one of the difficult-to-understand stories in Genesis. However, if we understand the meaning of uncovering the nakedness in the Bible, the story would be clear.

Genesis 9:22,24,25
22 And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father and told his two brothers outside. 24 When Noah awoke from his wine and knew what his youngest son had done to him, he said, “Cursed be Canaan. The lowest of slaves will he be to his brothers.

Leviticus 18:6, 8, 17, 19. 
6“ None of you shall approach any one of his close relatives to uncover nakedness. I am the Lord." 
8 "You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father's wife: it is your father's nakedness."
17"You shall not uncover the nakedness of a woman and of her daughter, and you shall not take her son’s daughter or her daughter’s daughter to uncover her nakedness; they are relatives; it is depravity."  
19 “You shall not approach a woman to uncover her nakedness while she is in her menstrual uncleanness. 

Deuteronomy 22:30, and 27:20. 
22:30 “A man shall not take his father’s wife so that he does not uncover his father’s nakedness.
27:20 “ ‘Cursed be anyone who lies with his father’s wife because he has uncovered his father’s nakedness.’ And all the people shall say, ‘Amen.’

Ezekiel 22:10.   In you men uncover their father's nakedness; in you they violate women who are unclean in their menstrual impurity.

Samuel 16:21, 22. 
21 Ahithophel answered, “Sleep with your father’s concubines whom he left to take care of the palace. Then all Israel will hear that you have made yourself obnoxious to your father, and the hands of everyone with you will be more resolute.” 22 So they pitched a tent for Absalom on the roof, and he slept with his father’s concubines in the sight of all Israel.

All these verses talk about uncovering the nakedness of someone as having sexual sin with his women. The bible forbids to have sex with a stepmother, a woman and her daughter or granddaughter, a close relative, or a woman in her menstruation. In many situations in the Old Testament, the Bible described Uncovering the nakedness of someone as to have sex with or rap his wife or concubines. It was a common practice in the past to have sex with the wife of someone to humiliate and dominate that person. This practice is very common in the ancient wars, Islamic invasions, and is still done in wars nowadays.

From this, many biblical scholars concluded that Ham has sex with his father's wife or his own mother and told his brothers about it to humiliate and control his father. Also, many believe the act of Ham led to the birth of Canaan the youngest. Hence Noah cursed Canaan's sons to become servants to the sons of Shem and Japheth because Canan was the son of sin and incest.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Prostate Cancer and Prostate Massage

Prostate Cancer and Prostate Massage
Prostate cancer is like any cancer a change in the nature of the cells of the prostate gland leading to aggressive growth and invasion at the expense of the organ and the body. Cancer is basically cells have gone crazy. Prostate cancer leads to enlargement of the prostate, possible blockage of the urine passway and may cause damage to remote body organs when the distant spread of the disease and metastasis occur. 

There are numerous causes and risk factors leading to prostate cancer, some are avoidable and some are not. Simply, just the advance of a male’s age is associated with an increased incidence of prostate cancer. About 90% of men over 90 have a form of prostate cancer but mostly slow and non-aggressive cancer, so the patients usually die from natural causes other than cancer. The patients who have a family history of prostate cancer may carry a cancer gene and may have a higher possibility of cancer. Doctors have also found that Black and Hispanic races are more prone to Prostate Cancer than Caucasians. There is an increase in prostate cancer in patients who eat more animal fat, dairy products, and red meat. Interestingly doctors found an increase in prostate cancer with the intake of some vitamins and supplements such as Omega 3, Calcium, Vitamine D, Vitamin E, Vitamin B12, Folic acid, Zinc, and Insulin. Smoking, Obesity, sedentary lifestyle, previous prostate infections, and depression also increase the incidence of prostate cancer. Doctors have found that there is a decrease in prostate cancer incidence with the consumption of coffee, tomatoes, soy, and vegetables. There was a detected decrease in prostate cancer in men with a higher frequency of ejaculation. Doctors found no correlation between alcohol intake and prostate cancer. The use of 5 alpha reductase reduced prostate cancer in general but was associated with some increase of high-grade cancer.

Prostate cancer leads to enlargement of the prostate gland hence narrowing in the urine pathway. It usually starts by frequency in urination, slow urine stream, and or urinating small amounts at a time. Cancer may spread to vital organs like the liver, bone or brain. Symptoms of metastatic late-stage prostate cancer depend on the location and organ. If the disease spread to the liver, the patients may have Jaundice, liver disease or failure. If the disease spread to the bones, the patient may have bone pain and spontaneous pathological fractures. If the disease spread to the brain, the patient may have seizures, loss of consciousness, confusion, or coma.

Doctors screen prostate cancer in males regularly among other cancers. The digital rectal exam of the prostate is the standard of screening. Also, checking on the levels of the Serum Prostatic Specific Antigen (PSA) is a gold standard, however, it has been controversial. When screening have detected abnormal exam or results further evaluation is done like rectal prostatic biopsy and MRI imaging to evaluate the type of cancer and its spread. Other biomarkers are measured to evaluate the prognosis of the disease such as Ki67 immunohistochemistry test, a nuclear protein that is associated with ribosomal RNA synthesis and may be necessary for cell cycle proliferation. Cell Cycle Prognosis Score CCP is a molecular analysis of small amounts of fresh-frozen FFPE tissue from a biopsy. CCP score is independently associated with biochemical PSA recurrence and metastasis. 

Prostate cancer treatment depends on its grade, score, and aggressiveness. It varies from observing and do nothing, radiation therapy, radical prostatectomy, hormonal and chemotherapy, to radical invasive surgical intervention depending on metastasis. 

Preventing prostatic cancer is not a clear cut process. Like any cancer, you can not prevent it but you may reduce the chance of having it. You may do everything right and contract prostate cancer by your genetic predisposition or do everything wrong and never get it. From the search, we conducted above and the information we collected, it is recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle, be active, eat less fat and red meat, eat more vegetables soy and tomatoes, drink coffee, avoid smoking, get screened by your doctor, and avoid infections by practicing safe sex. It is also important not to take unnecessary supplements and vitamins since it has been proven they may cause harm and cancer. Increase your ejaculation frequency by having sex, masturbation and or prostatic massage. Lastly, hope for the best.

Many articles discussed the benefits of prostate massage. The prostate gland represents a pleasure spot in the male genitalia similar to the G spot in the female vagina. Prostate stimulation can be performed by applying pressure massage to the perineal area between the anus and the scrotum or by messaging the prostate through the anal orifice. Prostate massage can produce intense ejaculation, improve erectile dysfunction, and reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Dr. Dan Sperling at Sperling Prostate Center recommends a prostate massage once a month for healthy individuals and once a week for men with prostatic problems like enlargement. Prostate massage reduces prostate swelling and circulation. It improves urinary function, erection, and intensity of ejaculation. Massage can be achieved using a prostate vibrator or manually by the partner or the male himself. 

A research study about the relationship between the frequency of ejaculation and the prevalence of prostate cancer in men was performed over 8 years from 1992 to 2000. A very large number of men were divided into 2 groups according to age, 20 to 29 and 40 to 49 years old. They were questioned about the frequency of ejaculation per month whether ejaculation was by sexual intercourse of masturbation. Data collected and they were followed up for years. The study concluded men who had ejaculations of 21 times or more per month have been associated with lower incidence and risk of prostate cancer. Men who had less than 21 ejaculations per month had a higher incidence of prostate cancer. However, the study could not conclude if the low frequency of ejaculation may cause prostate cancer. Some argue if a high frequency of ejaculation has a negative correlation to prostate cancer, then a low number of ejaculation per year has a positive correlation to prostate cancer. However, this hypothesis lacked evidence. 

The study was followed up by a 10-year data collection from the same groups. The results preclude ejaculation frequency decreases in the older age group since libido and activity is reduced by old age. The study results suggested high ejaculation frequency is not positively correlated with prostate cancer. On the contrary, it confirmed the initial conclusion and added the higher frequency of ejaculation by intercourse or masturbation is associated with a lower occurrence of prostate cancer. The study did not consider the lifetime frequency, impact of a history of STDs, family history, race, diet, or smoking. Based on the results, we may assume prostate cancer increases in old age since libido and the frequency of ejaculation decrease significantly in older age. However, cancer in general increases by age due to higher mutations during cell multiplication and aging. Some may conclude if high ejaculation frequency reduces prostate cancer, abstinence must cause prostate cancer. Again, this argument was not proven because it was not supported by evidence. 

Some researchers claim frequent ejaculation help the prostatic cells get rid of carcinogenic toxins. Prostatic massage as a mean for intense ejaculation help reduce the accumulation of carcinogens in the prostate and subsequently reduce prostate cancer. In conclusion, ejaculation through sex, masturbation and prostatic massage is good for men’s health and the more the better. So simply for all the men out there, “keep doing it” 

Prostate massage is performed by the person or the partner massaging the perineum or the prostate through the anal canal. It can be done digitally or by the use of a vibrator. I would like to include how to perform prostate massage in sex education courses. It is an educational and a normal method to experience sexual pleasure which most people do not know about. It will reduce the abnormal phobia about the human body parts like the genitalia and anal or rectal area. It is a fun method for reducing the risk of prostate cancer. Many factors may lead to prostate cancer, some are avoidable and some are not. It is great to avoid the factors that can lead to prostate cancer like smoking, fatty food, sedentary life, infections and so on. However, it is fun and more motivating to reduce the risk of prostate cancer by having pleasure. 


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Kantoff, P. W., & Taplin, M.E., & Smith, J. A. (2017). Clinical presentation and diagnosis of prostate cancer. UpToDate Inc. Retrieved from

Prostate Health (2014). Reduce Your Risk for Prostate Cancer with Prostate Massage. Sperling Radiology / Sperling Medical Group. Retrieved from

Rider, J. R., & Wilson, K. M., & Sinnott, J. A., & Kelly, R. S., & Mucci, L. A., & Giovannucci, E. L. (2016). Ejaculation Frequency and Risk of Prostate Cancer: Updated Results with an Additional Decade of Follow-up. European Association of Urology, 70, 974-982. doi:

Sartor, O. A. (2017). Risk factors of prostate cancer. UpToDate Inc. Retrieved from