Monday, April 15, 2019

On 9/11 Some people did something

On 9/11 Some people did something
Ilhan Omar is claiming Americans have been treating Muslim Americans as second class Citizens! Then, how the hell did she become a US House Representative, while she doesn't even deserve to be an American?!
I think she may benefit the experience of being a first-class citizen in an Islamic country like Saudi Arabia or Sudan. Ilhan better takes an extended look at the real second class citizens like the Christians in Muslim countries or women in her home Muslim Somalia!
9/11 was the most horrific day of my life and every loyal American's life. 2,976 Americans were brutally burned alive and murdered in one day, on American soil, by the hands of 19 Muslim hijackers. 19 Terrorists killed more Americans in one day than Japan did in the attack on Pearl Harbor WWII.
It is evident that some people like Ilhan Omar and Linda Sarsour do not have loyalty to the USA but to their headscarf! Omar's hijab is not a fashion statement; it is a religious statement; I wear a veil because I follow the fundamental rules of my religion. Omar, like all apologists, may deny 9/11 has anything to do with Islam in spite of the facts, 9/11 was committed by 19 Fundamental Muslims under the leadership of a well respected international Fundamental Muslim leader.
From experience in the Middle East, most if not all Muslim countries consider 9/11 a victory of Islam over the infidels. In the Islamic Middle East, 9/11 is called the New York Foray to make it equal to the battles of the prophet Muhammed such as Badr Foray, Uhud Foray, Al Ahzab Foray, Banu Quraizah Foray, and so on. When I was in Egypt, I found some Muslim apologists believing that America did 9/11 and killed its people to frame Islam and Bin Laden!!!! What a delusion and what a denial! It is always a conspiracy against Islam!
The Somali Refugee Ilhan Omar was most probably celebrating 9/11 on 9/11/2001 with the Paterson, New Jersey Muslims because she sounds exactly like them! Omar may minimize 9/11 like all the fundamentalists minimize the Jewish Holocaust in WWII or the Christian Armenian Massacre by the Turks from 1915 to 1917 which is still denied by Turkey until today! Now the new thing is (9/11 was some people did something).
We keep dealing with the (Same shit different toilet!)

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