Saturday, August 24, 2019

10 Facts about Gender Inequality

10 Facts about Gender Inequality

1- High professional job inequality.
60% of young doctors are females.

2- Education inequality
60% of college students are females.
3- Family court inequality

4- Stress and depression leading to suicide inequality
Men are 3.5 times more likely to die by suicide than women.

5- Life expectancy inequality
Females live longer than males. Life expectancy for females is 81 years and for males is 76 years in the US.

6- Life value inequality
In a life-threatening situation, Women and children are saved first.

7- Job quality inequality
The top ten most dangerous jobs are predominantly men's jobs.​
8- Job safety inequality
Men are 10 times more likely to get killed at work than women.
9- Justice system inequality
Males are 6 times more likely to be in prison than females. Males may commit more crimes than females, but the law is firmer against males who commit the same crimes as women?
10- Pay inequality
Calculated Controlled Gender Pay Gap reveals Women earn ​98 c for every $1 earned by men in the same job and same qualifications. It is a very small difference due to the opportunity gap, as women may attend to family and children which gives men more opportunity to advance. The Calculated Uncontrolled Gender Pay Gap reveals women earn 79c for every $1 earned by men which is not accurate as it compares money made by all men to money made by all women in general regardless of positions, education, or qualifications. In general, fewer women seek higher positions due to social and maternity needs. Hence more men work, and more men have higher positions and make more money. But there is no gender gap between men and women if they both provide the same qualifications, time, and effort in a job.

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