Global Warming Debunked?!
A Republican debate with Scientists
Scientists debated:
Most people do not understand the difference between weather and climate change!
Weather change is the day-to-day change in the state of the atmosphere and its variation in minutes to weeks. It is a combination of temperature, humidity, precipitation, cloudiness, visibility, and wind.
So, it is usually cold and may rain or snow in winter, but, hot and maybe dry in summer.
Climate change is the AVERAGE change in the weather of a place over a long period, usually more than 30 years.
The average temperature of one day is the temperatures measured every hour or every minute of the day divided by the number of hours or minutes in a day. We may have a colder day but a higher average daily temperature because of the night has been warmer than usual.
The Average daily Temperature of one year is the average temperature of every day in a year divided by 365 days. We may have a colder winter but a higher average year temperature because of a hotter summer.
The average temperature between a low of 0 degrees and a high of 10 degrees is 0+10=10/2= 5 degrees. The average temp was 5 degrees as the hottest time of the day was 10 degrees
The average temperature between a low of 5 degrees and a high of 7 degrees is 5+7=12/2= 6
The average temp was 6 degrees while the hottest time of the days was only 7 degrees.
So you may get an average of warming without feeling it!
A colder day is a weather change.
A colder winter than usual is a weather change.
Winters colder than average for 30 years is climate change.
Winters colder than average for 30 years all over the world is global cooling.
A hot day is a weather change.
A hotter summer than usual is a weather change.
Summers hotter than average for 30 years is climate change.
Summers hotter than average over 30 years all over the world is global warming.
1- Every year the carbon dioxide level and the average earth's temperature are higher than the year before. This is a recorded temperature measuring fact using thermometers!
2- Every year we are getting hurricanes and floods, stronger than the year before. This is a measured, observed fact using meteorology and satellites.
3- Carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere has been increasing, it has dramatically spiked in the last 100 years and especially the last 50. This is a measured fact using infrared absorption, mole fraction in dry air calculation and calibration methods
4- The average Earth's temperature has been rising and has spiked in the last 100 years especially in the previous 50. This is an observed and measured fact by recording temperatures. And by the way, this observation is called "Global Warming."
5- The Ice Glaciers in Alaska, the North, and South Poles have been melting and receding dramatically over the last 100 and especially the last 50 years. This is an observed and measured fact using pictures and satellite images. You may take a cruise and see it yourselves! And by the way, when ice melts, it turns to water and water increase, and it's level rises! Everyone knows that even a 3-year-old!
6- The use of carbon-based sources for energy like Charcoal and Petroleum spiked with the industrial revolution about 100 years ago primarily in the last 50. This is a historical fact.
7- Smog and Carbon Dioxide are emitted when Charcoal and Petroleum are burned as a source of energy. This is a simple Chemistry Fact, Everyone knows that!
8- Based on all of the above observed and measured facts and more, we may conclude Man-Made Smog and Carbon Dioxide emission has caused Global Warming in the last 100 years by a Greenhouse effect.
Hence, Global Warming is a measured man-made fact.
So, based ON THESE MEASURED AND OBSERVED FACTS mentioned ABOVE, We MUST stop SMOGGING and the use of carbon-based energy like Charcoal and Petroleum. And replace it with alternative clean sources of energy like solar, or wind energies. If we continue at the same pace for another 100 years, we CALCULATE that we may have higher ocean levels, flooded coastal cities, more prolonged and more damaging wildfires. The animal and plants may shift, and we will lose the animal stalk. This will lead to disruption in the food supply and agriculture. We may have extream weather changes, stronger and more damaging hurricanes, storms, and floods, forest death, and more severe droughts. Also, global warming may cause destruction in coral reef which the fundamental source of marine life, more heat waves causing more allergens and lousy health impact, a risk of losing electricity supply, mass extinctions and death. It happened before, and it can happen again in the earth's geologic life.
American Republican Congress debated:
You scientists claim to know everything but you are always wrong and always exaggerate. You know nothing. We will not stop SMOGGING because we love Carbon, Charcoal and Texaco oil. Their lobbyists give us lots of money, and they create jobs even if it was for the next 50 years only, the world is ending anyway.
Global Warming is a hocus. It neither exists nor is man-made and the evidence is beyond doubt;
First, it has just snowed yesterday in Minnesota!
Second, 5000 years ago, God promised Noah no more floods.
Third, if God wants to destroy eath, there is nothing you can do about it.
Fourth, if we all die, it's better because we all go to heaven faster.
Fifth, most of us believe the rapture is in our lifetime anyway, so who cares.
Sixth, the end is soon anyway so is Judgement day.
Seventh, it is not in the Constitution.
Eighth, our forefathers smogged for years and nothing happened
So, based on the above evidence, we will continue to smog and smog more and you may go to hell.
BANG...BANG...BANG... 3 scientists shot themselves in the head