Many people can't wait till evil 2017 is gone! I would like to tell them: We are free to make the best out of hand given to us. If life gives you a sour lemon, make lemonade. Happiness is a state of mind, don't blame it on the year. I was unhappy because all I knew was to make myself miserable. I learned to always be happy no matter what happens because finally, I realized I am free to change what I don't like in life.
I lost my mom, but I am happy because she is not suffering anymore. I got fired and lost my job a few years ago, but I am glad because I found a much better one. I was unhappy when I lost my second job, but again I found a better one. I was devastated when I lost my third job and was declined a fourth, but it all led me to my last and best. I was overwhelmed when I lost $270,000 in cash when I sold my old house, but I learned, and I am happy because I have a better one now. I lost almost a million dollars in wages in the first 5 years after I started my new office but I am happy because I am making it up. I had an unhappy, miserable, devastated life. I was not loved and stuck in a marriage because of my wrong choices, wrong fears, misguided belief, and not believing in myself. I was ashamed when I got divorced, but now I realize it was the best thing ever happened to me because it set me free to achieve my full potential and success. And because of it now, I am married to the most beautiful angel in the world who really loves me. I was always unhappy because I felt guilty about my thoughts, feelings, failures, wrong choices, self-worth, imperfections, as well as the original sin I was supposed to have been born in without even doing anything. Now I am so happy because I managed to get rid of all that nonsense and set myself free. Life is beautiful and today is all that we have. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is not guaranteed, and we would be stupid to wast a day because of anything including the afterlife. It is always a Happy New Year
Sunday, December 31, 2017
Jesus knock knock
Knock Knock
Jesus is standing at the door and knocking
Jesus: Knock, knock
Me: Who is there?
Jesus: It is me
Me: You who?!
Jesus: Jesus!
Me: What do you want?
Jesus: Let me in!
Me: Why?!
Jesus: To save you!
Me: Save me from what?!
Jesus: From the fire!
Mae: What fire?!
Jesus: The fire I prepared for you if you don't let me in!
Jesus is standing at the door and knocking
Jesus: Knock, knock
Me: Who is there?
Jesus: It is me
Me: You who?!
Jesus: Jesus!
Me: What do you want?
Jesus: Let me in!
Me: Why?!
Jesus: To save you!
Me: Save me from what?!
Jesus: From the fire!
Mae: What fire?!
Jesus: The fire I prepared for you if you don't let me in!
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Most Important Complications
The Most Important Complication
The Doctor: "Sir, you have very high cholesterol, very high blood pressure, and a severe case of diabetes, you must stop smoking and take medicine! Because if you don't, soon you may have heart attacks, strokes, renal failure, blindness, impotence, infections, gangrene, leg amputation, cancer, and you may die!"
The Doctor: "Sir, you have very high cholesterol, very high blood pressure, and a severe case of diabetes, you must stop smoking and take medicine! Because if you don't, soon you may have heart attacks, strokes, renal failure, blindness, impotence, infections, gangrene, leg amputation, cancer, and you may die!"
The Patient: No I will not take medicine because I feel just fine. I know my body. It is MY body! Do you think you know MY body better than me?! My grandfather smoked and lived to 90. We all gonna die someday anyway. I will pray about it and get better. You doctors always exaggerate to sell medicine...
Did you say impotence?! 🤔"
Global Warming Debunked by the Republicans
Global Warming Debunked?!
A Republican debate with Scientists
Scientists debated:
Most people do not understand the difference between weather and climate change!
Weather change is the day-to-day change in the state of the atmosphere and its variation in minutes to weeks. It is a combination of temperature, humidity, precipitation, cloudiness, visibility, and wind.
So, it is usually cold and may rain or snow in winter, but, hot and maybe dry in summer.
Climate change is the AVERAGE change in the weather of a place over a long period, usually more than 30 years.
The average temperature of one day is the temperatures measured every hour or every minute of the day divided by the number of hours or minutes in a day. We may have a colder day but a higher average daily temperature because of the night has been warmer than usual.
The Average daily Temperature of one year is the average temperature of every day in a year divided by 365 days. We may have a colder winter but a higher average year temperature because of a hotter summer.
The average temperature between a low of 0 degrees and a high of 10 degrees is 0+10=10/2= 5 degrees. The average temp was 5 degrees as the hottest time of the day was 10 degrees
The average temperature between a low of 5 degrees and a high of 7 degrees is 5+7=12/2= 6
The average temp was 6 degrees while the hottest time of the days was only 7 degrees.
So you may get an average of warming without feeling it!
A colder day is a weather change.
A colder winter than usual is a weather change.
Winters colder than average for 30 years is climate change.
Winters colder than average for 30 years all over the world is global cooling.
A hot day is a weather change.A hotter summer than usual is a weather change.
Summers hotter than average for 30 years is climate change.
Summers hotter than average over 30 years all over the world is global warming.
1- Every year the carbon dioxide level and the average earth's temperature are higher than the year before. This is a recorded temperature measuring fact using thermometers!
2- Every year we are getting hurricanes and floods, stronger than the year before. This is a measured, observed fact using meteorology and satellites.
3- Carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere has been increasing, it has dramatically spiked in the last 100 years and especially the last 50. This is a measured fact using infrared absorption, mole fraction in dry air calculation and calibration methods
4- The average Earth's temperature has been rising and has spiked in the last 100 years especially in the previous 50. This is an observed and measured fact by recording temperatures. And by the way, this observation is called "Global Warming."
5- The Ice Glaciers in Alaska, the North, and South Poles have been melting and receding dramatically over the last 100 and especially the last 50 years. This is an observed and measured fact using pictures and satellite images. You may take a cruise and see it yourselves! And by the way, when ice melts, it turns to water and water increase, and it's level rises! Everyone knows that even a 3-year-old!
6- The use of carbon-based sources for energy like Charcoal and Petroleum spiked with the industrial revolution about 100 years ago primarily in the last 50. This is a historical fact.
7- Smog and Carbon Dioxide are emitted when Charcoal and Petroleum are burned as a source of energy. This is a simple Chemistry Fact, Everyone knows that!
8- Based on all of the above observed and measured facts and more, we may conclude Man-Made Smog and Carbon Dioxide emission has caused Global Warming in the last 100 years by a Greenhouse effect.
Hence, Global Warming is a measured man-made fact.
So, based ON THESE MEASURED AND OBSERVED FACTS mentioned ABOVE, We MUST stop SMOGGING and the use of carbon-based energy like Charcoal and Petroleum. And replace it with alternative clean sources of energy like solar, or wind energies. If we continue at the same pace for another 100 years, we CALCULATE that we may have higher ocean levels, flooded coastal cities, more prolonged and more damaging wildfires. The animal and plants may shift, and we will lose the animal stalk. This will lead to disruption in the food supply and agriculture. We may have extream weather changes, stronger and more damaging hurricanes, storms, and floods, forest death, and more severe droughts. Also, global warming may cause destruction in coral reef which the fundamental source of marine life, more heat waves causing more allergens and lousy health impact, a risk of losing electricity supply, mass extinctions and death. It happened before, and it can happen again in the earth's geologic life.
American Republican Congress debated:
You scientists claim to know everything but you are always wrong and always exaggerate. You know nothing. We will not stop SMOGGING because we love Carbon, Charcoal and Texaco oil. Their lobbyists give us lots of money, and they create jobs even if it was for the next 50 years only, the world is ending anyway.
Global Warming is a hocus. It neither exists nor is man-made and the evidence is beyond doubt;
First, it has just snowed yesterday in Minnesota!
Second, 5000 years ago, God promised Noah no more floods.
Third, if God wants to destroy eath, there is nothing you can do about it.
Fourth, if we all die, it's better because we all go to heaven faster.
Fifth, most of us believe the rapture is in our lifetime anyway, so who cares.
Sixth, the end is soon anyway so is Judgement day.
Seventh, it is not in the Constitution.
Eighth, our forefathers smogged for years and nothing happened
You scientists claim to know everything but you are always wrong and always exaggerate. You know nothing. We will not stop SMOGGING because we love Carbon, Charcoal and Texaco oil. Their lobbyists give us lots of money, and they create jobs even if it was for the next 50 years only, the world is ending anyway.
Global Warming is a hocus. It neither exists nor is man-made and the evidence is beyond doubt;
First, it has just snowed yesterday in Minnesota!
Second, 5000 years ago, God promised Noah no more floods.
Third, if God wants to destroy eath, there is nothing you can do about it.
Fourth, if we all die, it's better because we all go to heaven faster.
Fifth, most of us believe the rapture is in our lifetime anyway, so who cares.
Sixth, the end is soon anyway so is Judgement day.
Seventh, it is not in the Constitution.
Eighth, our forefathers smogged for years and nothing happened
So, based on the above evidence, we will continue to smog and smog more and you may go to hell.
BANG...BANG...BANG... 3 scientists shot themselves in the head
Monday, December 18, 2017
6,000 or 4.65 Billion Years?
In the 1600s, according to accurate calculations using the Bible, Archbishop James Ussher proposed Earth was created at 6 PM on October 22nd, 4004 BC. That is why many people still believe the Earth is 6000 years old. But he missed it by only 4,649,994,000 years.
I did my own Bible calculations by counting the generations from Adam to Jesus (79 generations) according to Luke. According to Mathew, there are 14 generations from Abraham to David, and there are 24 generations from David to Jesus. Considering a generation is 25 to 30 years, from Adam to Jesus is 2370 years give or take maybe a little more considering in the old testament, miraculously, people lived to 930 years and gave birth at the age of 600 years! So, Human life on earth would have started around 2370+2018= 4388 years ago. You may add 6 days to that since Adam was created on day 6.
Anyway, In the 19th century, the Geologists used the sedimentations to recalculated the earth's age, and they guessed the earth is a few million years old. Now, by calculating the half-life of the radioactive decay of Uranium to lead in meteoroids and ancient rocks, the earth is estimated to be 4.65 Billion years old
I did my own Bible calculations by counting the generations from Adam to Jesus (79 generations) according to Luke. According to Mathew, there are 14 generations from Abraham to David, and there are 24 generations from David to Jesus. Considering a generation is 25 to 30 years, from Adam to Jesus is 2370 years give or take maybe a little more considering in the old testament, miraculously, people lived to 930 years and gave birth at the age of 600 years! So, Human life on earth would have started around 2370+2018= 4388 years ago. You may add 6 days to that since Adam was created on day 6.
Anyway, In the 19th century, the Geologists used the sedimentations to recalculated the earth's age, and they guessed the earth is a few million years old. Now, by calculating the half-life of the radioactive decay of Uranium to lead in meteoroids and ancient rocks, the earth is estimated to be 4.65 Billion years old
Friday, November 24, 2017
Gusse who?
Gusse who?
He was a savior born of a virgin on December 25th
His birth was witnessed by shepherds and magi
His witnesses followed the east star
He was gifted Gold, Frankincense, and the Mur
He had 12 disciples He performed miracles like healing the sick and raising the dead
He was baptized, practiced Eucharist communion with bread and wine
He gave salvation through the blood
He was killed rose from death and ascended to heaven
His symbol is the cross and his worship day is Sunday
He is depicted with the solar corona halo behind his head
He is referred to as "The Truth, the light, the word"
I bet you are wrong
It is Mythra The God Sun
He was followed from 1000 BC to 500 AD
He was worshiped by a majority of people of the Roman Empire before and during early Christianity.
He was a savior born of a virgin on December 25th
His birth was witnessed by shepherds and magi
His witnesses followed the east star
He was gifted Gold, Frankincense, and the Mur
He had 12 disciples He performed miracles like healing the sick and raising the dead
He was baptized, practiced Eucharist communion with bread and wine
He gave salvation through the blood
He was killed rose from death and ascended to heaven
His symbol is the cross and his worship day is Sunday
He is depicted with the solar corona halo behind his head
He is referred to as "The Truth, the light, the word"
I bet you are wrong
It is Mythra The God Sun
He was followed from 1000 BC to 500 AD
He was worshiped by a majority of people of the Roman Empire before and during early Christianity.
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Freedom of speach for the Muslims only
This is not just an opinion this is the truthful fact.
In response to a Muslim female wearing a headscarf talking to Christian audience about fearing Muslims
Dear Amal, If your core Islamic beliefs did not call for Jihad, blowing up people, flying planes into buildings, and rapping or killing the non-Muslims, none would have been scared of you.
If anyone has any knowledge of the Islamic teachings, he or she knows your scarf or the beard on your brother's face is not a fashion statement, but It is a religious statement. You headscarf is a statement saying I am a fundamental Muslim and I follow the Islamic rolls even in the way I dress or the way I shave my facial hair.
If you really follow The Islamic rolls to that extent, then you most probably justify killing the infidels, or you would be considered a "hypocrite" according to Islam, Hadeeth, and Quran unless you are practicing "Teqiia."
Teqiia is; The prophet adviced the Muslims to hid the faith and pretend not to practice fundamental Islam when it is not safe. However, when it is safe enough, the Muslims are allowed to go back and practice the real radical Islam.
If we have an ounce of intelligence, we ought to be afraid of who looks like you or your brother. It could be too late if we did not suspect one Muslim who wants to kill us among a 100 who don't.
Of course, you can say what you want to say in a free country to a Christian audience! But what will happen if a Christian girl talks about being a Christian in a Muslim country to a Muslim audience in a moderate a country like Egypt for example?
For a fact she will be called an infidel whore, beaten, raped, and most probably killed too.
So please stop being a wolf blaming the rabbit.
In response to a Muslim female wearing a headscarf talking to Christian audience about fearing Muslims
Dear Amal, If your core Islamic beliefs did not call for Jihad, blowing up people, flying planes into buildings, and rapping or killing the non-Muslims, none would have been scared of you.
If anyone has any knowledge of the Islamic teachings, he or she knows your scarf or the beard on your brother's face is not a fashion statement, but It is a religious statement. You headscarf is a statement saying I am a fundamental Muslim and I follow the Islamic rolls even in the way I dress or the way I shave my facial hair.
If you really follow The Islamic rolls to that extent, then you most probably justify killing the infidels, or you would be considered a "hypocrite" according to Islam, Hadeeth, and Quran unless you are practicing "Teqiia."
Teqiia is; The prophet adviced the Muslims to hid the faith and pretend not to practice fundamental Islam when it is not safe. However, when it is safe enough, the Muslims are allowed to go back and practice the real radical Islam.
If we have an ounce of intelligence, we ought to be afraid of who looks like you or your brother. It could be too late if we did not suspect one Muslim who wants to kill us among a 100 who don't.
Of course, you can say what you want to say in a free country to a Christian audience! But what will happen if a Christian girl talks about being a Christian in a Muslim country to a Muslim audience in a moderate a country like Egypt for example?
For a fact she will be called an infidel whore, beaten, raped, and most probably killed too.
So please stop being a wolf blaming the rabbit.
Friday, October 20, 2017
5 Religious Answers to Any Dilemma in a Holy Book
When you do ask a religious person a question about a dilemma in a sacred text, you may get one of 5 types of answers.
- An illiterate of the text might deny the existence of the verse. Which means you made it up and you are lying! i.e., No answer!
- A Literalist might say "Who am I to question the word of God? God works in mysterious ways!" Which means it is what it is, go away! i.e., No answer!
- A Non-literalist might say "It says this, but it really means that" "Don't take it literally or out of context" Which means just change the meaning to something else different from what it really is. i.e., No answer!
- A priest might say "in our faith, we don't have just scripture, but we have dogma which is a code of beliefs which is the divine information which will explain any other sort of thing which may come up in scripture" which is a very nonspecific general statement that doesn't answer the question which means you will not get it because you don't have dogma. i.e., No answer!
- A rabbi might say "Somebody screwed up!" which means so what? I don't care! i.e., Still No answer! 5 different unrelated contradicting nonanswers to the same question.
Faith is to believe without evidence.
Blind faith is to believe in spite of evidence of the opposite.
Science is to question and examine everything and to observe evidence. This is why science and faith will never agree.
Blind faith is to believe in spite of evidence of the opposite.
Science is to question and examine everything and to observe evidence. This is why science and faith will never agree.
The religious often state you can't question God or question what made God. This is the opposite of the scientific principles. You can never have a scientific discussion based on You can’t ask specific questions!
The bible old and new testaments, as well as the Quran, are full of flat wrong scientific facts. For hundreds of years, apologists have been trying so hard to modify the texts to agree with the modern scientific events and discoveries, but they always fail.
Religions usually explain the unknown by divine intervention and miracles. In science, there are no miracles but there is always an explanation for any phenomenon and if there is none we say we don't know yet.
It is challenging to try to convince me that a fact is not a fact, or to accept wrong statements like;
"the earth is flat."
"the stars will fall on earth" or
"18 million animals fit in a ship for several months."
The justification is always one of the 5 nonsense answers I mentioned above. If you bring factual evidence, I will be convinced by your point whatever it is. We can talk about any issue one by one.
Saturday, October 14, 2017
23 Signs of Lying
The Most dangerous liars are those who believe they are telling the truth.
Here Are 23 Signs of Lying
Here Are 23 Signs of Lying
1-Freez when asked the question
2-Repeat the question when asked the question
3-Answer the questions with more questions
4-Laugh it off when asked the question
5-Avoid answering the question
6-Give Vague answers to the question
7-Exaggerate emotions in response to the question
8-Exaggerate honesty when asked the question
9-Sympathize with you when asked the question
10-Express Hostility in response to the question
Facial expressions
11-Stiff facial expression,
12-Coughing or frequent Swallowing saliva,
13-No eye contact or too much Eye contact,
14-Eye moving side to side,
15-Eye looking to the top right/left,
16-Looking down and shaking head,
17-Smiling with the face, Not the eyes,
18-Eyes do not get smaller when smiling,
19-Asymmetrical face expression
20-Put Hand or palm on the Forehead, Face or Neck,
21-Scratch forehead, Eyelids, Nose or Earlobe,
22-Put Fingers in the Mouth,
23-Biting the Lip.
Masters Degree in Camel Urology
Masters Degree in Camel Urology
It is really debatable in the Islamic world if camel urine cures diseases because some Muslimes were cured after they drank it according to Sahih Bukhari. There are 12 Confirmed true Hadith about drinking Camel urine as medicine in Sahih Bukhari. You may easily find it here, just search the word "urine"
It is really debatable in the Islamic world if camel urine cures diseases because some Muslimes were cured after they drank it according to Sahih Bukhari. There are 12 Confirmed true Hadith about drinking Camel urine as medicine in Sahih Bukhari. You may easily find it here, just search the word "urine" example Volume 8, Book 82, Number 794 :
Narrated by Anas
Some people from the tribe of 'Ukl came to the Prophet and embraced Islam. The climate of Medina did not suit them, so the Prophet ordered them to go to the (herd of milch) camels of charity and to drink, their milk and urine (as a medicine). They did so, and after they had recovered from their ailment (became healthy) they turned renegades (reverted from Islam) and killed the shepherd of the camels and took the camels away. The Prophet sent (some people) in their pursuit and so they were (caught and) brought, and the Prophets ordered that their hands and legs should be cut off and that their eyes should be branded with heated pieces of iron, and that their cut hands and legs should not be cauterized, till they die.
Sahih Bukhari: Read, Study, Search Online
Read Online the English Translation of Sahih Bukhari, one of the most authentic collections of the Islamic Sunnah. Thousands of Hadiths with a search engine...
Narrated by Anas
Some people from the tribe of 'Ukl came to the Prophet and embraced Islam. The climate of Medina did not suit them, so the Prophet ordered them to go to the (herd of milch) camels of charity and to drink, their milk and urine (as a medicine). They did so, and after they had recovered from their ailment (became healthy) they turned renegades (reverted from Islam) and killed the shepherd of the camels and took the camels away. The Prophet sent (some people) in their pursuit and so they were (caught and) brought, and the Prophets ordered that their hands and legs should be cut off and that their eyes should be branded with heated pieces of iron, and that their cut hands and legs should not be cauterized, till they die.
Sahih Bukhari: Read, Study, Search Online
Read Online the English Translation of Sahih Bukhari, one of the most authentic collections of the Islamic Sunnah. Thousands of Hadiths with a search engine...
Monday, October 9, 2017
Microwave Killed the Stove
Microwave Killed the Stove
Over a million years ago, our ancestors spent an average of 8 hours a day chewing on raw food. “Archaeologists Find Earliest Evidence of Humans Cooking With Fire” by Kenneth Miller, it was recently discovered Homo Erectus was our first ancestor to use fire to cook food. Homo Erectus started cooking after they discovered when food goes through the fire, it tastes better and becomes easier and faster to chew.
Subsequently, Homo Erectus developed smaller jaw, mastication muscles, and smaller teeth which made extra room in the skull for the brain to grow larger. The Jaw-dropping theory of human evolution is suggested by Michael Hopkin’s article, “Did mankind trade chewing power for a bigger brain?” Increased calorie and nutrition intake lead to a massive increase in the size of the human brain and intelligence.
Soon humans went from wood fire to gas stove fire to microwave cooking. When humans spent less time eating and became smarter, they had more time to socialize, communicate and build civilization. In modern life, cooking took a different form especially with the invention of the surface gas stove instead of cooking on fire pits. Every house had a stove for cooking multiple items or dishes at the same time. Cooking was mainly the job of the housewives since men worked and provided.
By the 1970s, most men and women worked and had less time for cooking. In the mid-1970s, the microwave became a very popular house appliance, stated Amanda Davis in her Perspective “A History of the Microwave Oven”. It was an evolutionary appliance for fast cooking and heating. The microwave almost replaced the stove, like the stove replaced cooking by pit fire. The microwave uses electricity generated heat waves which cooks food instantaneously and is able to prepare a prepackaged or homemade meal in 1-5 minutes instead of over 1 hour. It has become an essential cooking device for busy families with both parents working.
I think the microwave helped individuals to achieve independence from each other. A teenager can leave his family to live alone since he can prepare his or her meals in minutes instead of depending on his mother’s cooking. A person can live in a tiny apartment with almost no kitchen and still prepares his meals using just a bowl, a spoon, and a microwave. In the past, a major section of the house had to be a big enough kitchen to contain a big cooking stove and a lot of kitchen utilities. Now there is almost no more need for such space or to spend money to buy such pieces of equipment.
The microwave had an impact on the development of the society and the independence of its individuals. It provided the convenience of preparing food extremely easier and faster which saved more time for people to work, live, and socialize. However, it may have had a slightly negative effect on the society’s structure since too much independence may lead to less bonding and weakening of family ties.
Over a million years ago, our ancestors spent an average of 8 hours a day chewing on raw food. “Archaeologists Find Earliest Evidence of Humans Cooking With Fire” by Kenneth Miller, it was recently discovered Homo Erectus was our first ancestor to use fire to cook food. Homo Erectus started cooking after they discovered when food goes through the fire, it tastes better and becomes easier and faster to chew.
Subsequently, Homo Erectus developed smaller jaw, mastication muscles, and smaller teeth which made extra room in the skull for the brain to grow larger. The Jaw-dropping theory of human evolution is suggested by Michael Hopkin’s article, “Did mankind trade chewing power for a bigger brain?” Increased calorie and nutrition intake lead to a massive increase in the size of the human brain and intelligence.
Soon humans went from wood fire to gas stove fire to microwave cooking. When humans spent less time eating and became smarter, they had more time to socialize, communicate and build civilization. In modern life, cooking took a different form especially with the invention of the surface gas stove instead of cooking on fire pits. Every house had a stove for cooking multiple items or dishes at the same time. Cooking was mainly the job of the housewives since men worked and provided.
By the 1970s, most men and women worked and had less time for cooking. In the mid-1970s, the microwave became a very popular house appliance, stated Amanda Davis in her Perspective “A History of the Microwave Oven”. It was an evolutionary appliance for fast cooking and heating. The microwave almost replaced the stove, like the stove replaced cooking by pit fire. The microwave uses electricity generated heat waves which cooks food instantaneously and is able to prepare a prepackaged or homemade meal in 1-5 minutes instead of over 1 hour. It has become an essential cooking device for busy families with both parents working.
I think the microwave helped individuals to achieve independence from each other. A teenager can leave his family to live alone since he can prepare his or her meals in minutes instead of depending on his mother’s cooking. A person can live in a tiny apartment with almost no kitchen and still prepares his meals using just a bowl, a spoon, and a microwave. In the past, a major section of the house had to be a big enough kitchen to contain a big cooking stove and a lot of kitchen utilities. Now there is almost no more need for such space or to spend money to buy such pieces of equipment.
The microwave had an impact on the development of the society and the independence of its individuals. It provided the convenience of preparing food extremely easier and faster which saved more time for people to work, live, and socialize. However, it may have had a slightly negative effect on the society’s structure since too much independence may lead to less bonding and weakening of family ties.
Works Cited Davis, Amanda. “A History of the Microwave Oven.” the IEEE. 2 May 2016. Web. 15 Sep. 2017. Hopkin, Michael. “Jaw-dropping theory of human evolution: Did mankind trade chewing power for a bigger brain?” Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature., 25 Mar. 2004. Web. 15 Sep. 2017. Miller, Kenneth. “Archaeologists Find Earliest Evidence of Humans Cooking With Fire.” Kalmbach Publishing CO. 17 Dec. 2013. Web. 15 Sep. 2017.
Thursday, October 5, 2017
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