I lost my mom, but I am happy because she is not suffering anymore. I got fired and lost my job a few years ago, but I am glad because I found a much better one. I was unhappy when I lost my second job, but again I found a better one. I was devastated when I lost my third job and was declined a fourth, but it all led me to my last and best. I was overwhelmed when I lost $270,000 in cash when I sold my old house, but I learned, and I am happy because I have a better one now. I lost almost a million dollars in wages in the first 5 years after I started my new office but I am happy because I am making it up. I had an unhappy, miserable, devastated life. I was not loved and stuck in a marriage because of my wrong choices, wrong fears, misguided belief, and not believing in myself. I was ashamed when I got divorced, but now I realize it was the best thing ever happened to me because it set me free to achieve my full potential and success. And because of it now, I am married to the most beautiful angel in the world who really loves me. I was always unhappy because I felt guilty about my thoughts, feelings, failures, wrong choices, self-worth, imperfections, as well as the original sin I was supposed to have been born in without even doing anything. Now I am so happy because I managed to get rid of all that nonsense and set myself free. Life is beautiful and today is all that we have. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is not guaranteed, and we would be stupid to wast a day because of anything including the afterlife. It is always a Happy New Year

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