Friday, October 20, 2017

5 Religious Answers to Any Dilemma in a Holy Book

When you do ask a religious person a question about a dilemma in a sacred text, you may get one of 5 types of answers.

  • An illiterate of the text might deny the existence of the verse. Which means you made it up and you are lying! i.e., No answer!
  • A Literalist might say "Who am I to question the word of God? God works in mysterious ways!" Which means it is what it is, go away! i.e., No answer!
  • A Non-literalist might say "It says this, but it really means that" "Don't take it literally or out of context" Which means just change the meaning to something else different from what it really is. i.e., No answer!
  • A priest might say "in our faith, we don't have just scripture, but we have dogma which is a code of beliefs which is the divine information which will explain any other sort of thing which may come up in scripture" which is a very nonspecific general statement that doesn't answer the question which means you will not get it because you don't have dogma. i.e., No answer!

  • A rabbi might say "Somebody screwed up!" which means so what? I don't care! i.e., Still No answer! 5 different unrelated contradicting nonanswers to the same question.

Faith is to believe without evidence.
Blind faith is to believe in spite of evidence of the opposite.
Science is to question and examine everything and to observe evidence. This is why science and faith will never agree.  
The religious often state you can't question God or question what made God. This is the opposite of the scientific principles. You can never have a scientific discussion based on You can’t ask specific questions!

The bible old and new testaments, as well as the Quran, are full of flat wrong scientific facts. For hundreds of years, apologists have been trying so hard to modify the texts to agree with the modern scientific events and discoveries, but they always fail.

Religions usually explain the unknown by divine intervention and miracles. In science, there are no miracles but there is always an explanation for any phenomenon and if there is none we say we don't know yet.

It is challenging to try to convince me that a fact is not a fact, or to accept wrong statements like;
"the earth is flat."
"the stars will fall on earth" or
"18 million animals fit in a ship for several months."
The justification is always one of the 5 nonsense answers I mentioned above.  If you bring factual evidence, I will be convinced by your point whatever it is. We can talk about any issue one by one.

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