Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Does Ethics Mean Religions?

It is a misconception to assume religions are the defenders of ethics and that Evolutionists or Scientists have no ethics. Ethics are simply what we know as humanity or the golden rule; Do to others what you want to be done to you including animals. Ethics for some societies and religions are totally opposite to others like in the middle east and the west. You could be murdered for doing or saying something in a society with a certain predominant religion while you'd be honored for the same thing in another. If you read history, you'll find Ethics and traditions have committed atrocities in the name of God, Yahweh, Allah, Thor, or Oden for thousands of years. There is never a scientist or an Evolutionist who kills or persecutes people in the name of evolution or science! But, there are millions who did in the name of religions or their claimed supernatural creator whoever that was at the time and place in history for thousands of years.
Some claim evolutionists are deceiving themselves when they talk about ethics because they do not believe in a soul which will suffer after death for committing sins. Are evolutionists deceiving themselves just because they do not believe in what you believe? What stops evolutionists from committing atrocities is self-control and humanity. That is nobler to me than others stopping themselves because of the fear of punishment or an invisible deity watching them all the time like Santa Claus. Interestingly, this deity is completely different for a few billion from the other few billions, and its character changes from place to place and time to time in history. If this point is valid, how do you explain that countries which are not religious like Sweeden, Norway, and Danmark to mention a few, are more advanced, have more human rights, and fewer crimes, theft, and rape than religious countries like USA, Mexico, Colombia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Egypt? just to mention a few
If you take away people's rights, laws, and humanity they will rebel or misbehave regardless of their faith or the deity, they fear. What makes people behave is law and order and not the fear of the sole suffering eternal damnation. Law and order are mostly man-made not from the Bible, Torah, or Quran unless you are in a predominantly religious country like Afghanistan now or Europe in the dark ages. If eternal damnation and the fear of God stop people from doing atrocities, they would have behaved better in those religious countries when in chaos. People misbehave and rape during wars because of the lack of order despite what they believe. People are people.
Someone may question how evolutionists claim ethics as they believe in animalistic, and biological function only? Part of the evolution is civilized human behavior, empathy, and fairness. We have evolved in the last 50 years more than we did in the last 10,000. Animals, as well as humans, may become vicious to survive but if you observe closely, they have instinctual love and protection for their young, they have empathy, rules, and hierarchy. They sense injustice and unfairness. They feel pain and emotional distress. We, humans, think we are better and special hence we have soles because we are smarter, communicate better (which is part of evolution), and can control those poor animals. Ethics is a part of human evolution. You would think Evolution and ethics are contradictory only if you believe ethics are religions, which is wrong. Ethics is humanity despite religions because what is ethical in one religion is not ethical in another. for example, female honor killing is ethical in some societies but unethical in others. But killing should never be ethical in any case. Raping at war happens and is even legal in some places but it should never be ethical. Religions can control a closed tribal society but not an open accepting multicultural society.

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