It supports the wrong facts in which most people believe. The scientific method of thinking is unbiased, has no preset beliefs, and it questions everything. We should not accept any result as a fact unless enough trials and observation have proved it. A statistically significant observation must have a pie value or false positive consideration of less than 0.05. Old incomplete science is considered "Bad science." For hundreds if not thousands of years most people believed the earth was flat because that was the popular science at the time.
There are many examples of bad science. In the past, many scientists had altered their observation under the influence of their beliefs whether it was religious or pre-set ideas. The great Isaac Newton described the gravity laws and how the planets orbit the sun by fundamental mathematical equations. However, when he could not calculate how the planets orbit the sun in relationship to the sun’s and each other’s gravity as well, he went back to the oldest trick in the book and claimed a divine power intervenes now and then to correct his calculations. This was the believed science of gravity until 100 years later when Pierre Simon Laplace, the French mathematician was able to decipher the mysterious problem and solved the formula without the need for divine intervention.
Einstein's calculations proved the universe was expanding, but he did not believe it because it was a bizarre idea. So Einstein added a constant to alter the equation to make common sense, even though that common sense was wrong. Hubble proved the universe is expanding in the 1920s. Einstein also wholly rejected quantum physics and mechanics because it sounded unreasonable silly until it was confirmed a fact later.
After the dark ages, Europe adopted the scientific method of research hence the industrial and technological revolution began. For hundreds of years, the white race from Europe became more advanced, colonized the rest of the world, and ruled over the other races. The White race became superior to other races for a few hundred years. When the Caucasians explored the world, they found other races to be less advanced and living a more primitive life compared to Europe. This was wrongly perceived as being less intelligent, less civilized, or closer to animals. Also, the belief of being superior justified invading and colonizing those countries as an excuse to improve them. The whites considered people of the colonized countries savages, like the Native Americans, African Blacks and Asians which justified slavery, cruelty, and ill-treatment of the other races.
Years back, many of what called scientists or doctors took measurements and conducted researches to compare intelligence in different races. Unfortunately, the purpose of the measures was to prove the inferiority of the black race compared to the white, not to accurately observe if there is a real difference. Some scientists believed the size of the brain is indicative of intelligence. When those doctors found the brain size in whites is identical to blacks, they tried to compare specific centers within the brain to prove whites have larger brain area responsible for intelligence than in blacks. The scientists consciously or subconsciously under measured the dimensions of the Black samples compared to the white because their mindset was already biased. When the experiment was repeated without knowing which sample was white and which was black beforehand, the results were utterly inconclusive. When the other races get their fair share of education and elevated socioeconomic status, they prove to be as smart as or even smarter than whites.
At the beginning of the last century, Whites believed Asians and Blacks are less intelligent than whites, and women are less intelligent than men. They could not have been more wrong! Most computer technology requiring intelligence is made by the Japanese, and the smart computers in NASA’s moon landing operation were Black Females.
A scientist should leave his faith or strong beliefs at the door before entering the lab to conduct an experiment. If not, he, or she will conduct biased science. Biased science is Bad Science.
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