Saturday, September 30, 2017

The Church, Abortion, and Controlling People

The Church, Abortion, and Controlling People
I am against the use of any religion to set laws and ethics or force them on everyone because beliefs contradict each other.

About killing a viable baby, of course, it is a murder and none ethical. However, believing a sperm and an egg in a Petri dish is a person is scientifically ridiculous. I don't accept it because it is a half-knowledge concept.
If we apply the same principle, the current ability to create or grow a person from any cell makes the use of oral contraception pills a murder, the use of IUD a crime, and male Masturbation is a holocaust of millions of life potential cells. Every ova wasted without fertilization in a menstrual period is a Murder, sneezing or scratching your nose is killing millions of cells with potential life.
If you deny the fact the Catholic Church or Orthodox Church force believers to abide by their roles or ban contraception, you need to read different sources of history, compare and question. 
You are partially right if you say the Church does not do it ANYMORE but this only because the authority has been taken away from the church in the last couple hundred years by the industrial and technological revolution in Europe which is Knowledge. Over a period of 500 years, the Catholic Church had brutally tortured, burned alive and killed between 58 to 60 million Christians during the Inquisition. Why? Because it had the power to do so. We all know the inquisition is forcing the Christian faith and beliefs on everyone. There are museums in Europe displaying the torture machines like the Wheel, the Nails coffin, and the pliers used to pull peoples' nails. All were used by the Catholic Church to control people during the inquisition or the dark ages. The Dark Ages are the ages when the Christian Catholic Church took control over Europe. The Coptic Orthodox Church could not do the same because the pagan Roman Empire has oppressed it for 300 years, then the Roman Church for another 300 years, followed by the oppression of the Islamic invasion for the last 1400 years. However, when the Orthodox Church was dominant at the time of the Bishop Cyril of Alexandria 415 AD, The Orthodox Christians lead by the Bishop massacred and mutilated the body of the philosopher and scientist Hypatia of the Alexandria School and Library for heresy. Also, the Church harshly punished the Gnostic Christians for having a different view of Christianity. The description of the death of Arius on entering the Constantine’s Forum is a typical murder or poison as his bowels spleen, and liver came out of his opened body- exactly like the description of Judas death in Acts. Alexander of Constantinople did not want to meet Arius in spite of the emperor orders to which Alexander responded by (I am earnestly praying that Arius might perish before this could happen). Of course, the bishop and his followers perceived Arius death or murder as a convenient miracle.  There are several past mishaps by the Church which have been ignored and covered up to continue the control over people.

In the Embryonic stem cell research, after a woman chooses abortion, she may donate her none viable fish stage embryo to scientists instead of discarding it. This is no different from donating a kidney to a good cause or an ova to help fertility except, the donated embryo here is not viable. So Fiorina's remark about Plant Parenthood selling baby parts is a lie and a very ignorant statement far from the truth, and she is just a sample of the people who run the country.

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