Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Evolution vs Creation

Evolution vs Creation
We have seen the Evolution in the micro and macro world and it has been documented in the fossils over billions of years. And the mechanism has been known to Scientists, Geologists, and Biologists, based on evidence through the study of Fossils in layers of precipitations, the Presence of rudimentary functionless organs in animals and humans, Embryology, and DNA . .... Very good examples of the observable immediate change in kinds of same species are; Scientists have observed birds on the Galapagos Islands change the shape of their beaks over only 5 years to adapt to dry weather and lack of small-sized seeds. Frogs and some reptiles have been observed to change its sex from males to females based on the environment and the need to reproduce. The cross breeding between different spices like a horse and a donkey is resulting in a Mule, an animal different from the origin. The Russian biologist Dmitry Belyaev was able to selectively breed domesticated foxes from wild foxes over only 30 years. They were tamed, looked, behaved and even barked like dogs.
Imagine if this can happen immediately or over a few years, what can happen over millions of years? Change of kinds and species is observed in the fossils by Geologists and it happens over millions of years. It can be explained by gradual or sudden mutations of DNA of ONLY SOME not all individuals of a kind leading to modification, adaptation and or extinction. DNA can mutate due to many reasons during its replication or because of radiation like X-rays or Gama rays which exist in the universe. Domestic Dogs DNA is almost identical to wolves and there are no Domestic Dogs’ fossils before 10 thousand years ago. Does that mean dogs have evolved from wolves or God continues to create new species and just had specifically created dogs 10 000 years ago?
Creationism states the universe and life have been created suddenly 6000 years ago without mutation, adaptation or change. Creationism claims millions and millions of animals fit into one ship before the flood 5000 years ago. Creationism usually tries to piggyback on the missing links and claim it is the work of God until missing links are found then move to the next missing link. It has no palpable scientific evidence what so ever and it is too easy and too simple to explain the complexity of the universe and the vast variation of creatures. Creationism basically means it is what it is, God made it this way, I don't know and no one else will ever know. No further questions.

Some don’t accept the Evolution just because they have not had enough information yet. 

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