Doctors are people,
some are good some are bad, and they are not gods or angels. You seek them to help ease your pain or save your life. You talk to them, you may appreciate them, or you may reject their advice. You even change them like socks if they don’t fit or if you don’t like them. Some people and lawyers also sue them for good or no good reason to extort money out of them.
How I see it? As a doctor, I do not provide a fee for service, I save lives. No money in the world is worth staying up on call for 36 hours in a hospital to protect patients' lives.
It is a fact, doctors are not paid that much money most people fantasize about. Doctors spend their entire lives trying to learn how to save a life or ease pain. On the contrary to the false idea the majority believes, this process is a lifetime of physical, mental, emotional, and financial stress and abuse.
When individuals are stressed or abused they may respond by projecting and harming others, reacting arrogantly to prove superiority, or by taking the high road and continue to treat others kindly, and those are superhumans, like some doctors I know.
Some may state “the benefit of practicing medicine, must outweigh being sued or overworked” (I assume they are talking about money). This is simply shocking and disappointing. I am talking about the principle. Why on earth someone considers using a doctor who was trying to save his or her life?!
Googol this, almost 1% of malpractice cases are won by the plaintiffs, about 9% are won by defendants, and about 90% of medical malpractice cases are settled by the doctors or hospitals to avoid the nightmare of going through the legal system. This in a way provides evidence most malpractice cases are a form of extortion. It’s all about money, and it's sad.
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