Monday, November 7, 2016

Saint Judas Iscariot

Why do Christians demonize Judas Iscariot?
Easter is the memory of Jesus rising from death. It is also the memory of Judas' betrayal, Jesus' torture, the pain of the crucifix, and death.
According to Christianity, the Bible, and the prophecy of the old testament; Jesus's mission was to be sacrificed on the cross like a lamb for the forgiveness of human sins. For Jesus' mission to be complete, Judas had to surrender him to the Romans or the Jews for the crucifix. 
If so, why blame Judas? Jesus has chosen Judas and only him to do this difficult job. Jesus gave Judas the first communion in the last supper and told him "What you are about to do, do it quickly"  (John 13:21-29).  It sounds very short-sighted that the Bible and the Christians all over the world for 2000 years condemn Judas. Judas did what Jesus ordered him to do! The Bible says "As soon as Judas took the bread Satan entered into him"(John 13:21-29). But that is an oxymoron and confusing. How does Satin enter someone's heart because of communion especially from Jesus's hand himself?! 
If Jesus' death saved humanity, it must make sense that saving humankind depended on Judas doing his job right. 
If not for Judas, the Christians could have never escaped eternal hell. 
Christianity existed because of Judas. Maybe poor Judas could not handle the gravity of his job and killed himself. However, he still should be respected and thanked by all Christians. 
If Jesus has forgiven the people who crucified him, then he must have not condemned Judas because he did what Jesus asked him to do. 
On the contrary, Judas should have been considered one of the most important disciples. Any thoughts?

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