Saturday, August 25, 2018

What you'r worth depends on where you are

What you're worth depends on where you are!
Can anyone relate to this? Please reply if you do! 
The Egyptian Soccer player, Mo Salah is Worth $173 million worldwide, but he was buried and had no future in Egypt. Needles to say in spite of him scoring every goal for the national team, Egypt still lost every world cup game even to the very low ranking team of Saudi Arabia. 
Sire Professor Dr. Magdi Yacoub of England is the most excellent heart surgeon in the world, but he was called stupid and made to fail in Egypt. 
My brother is a recognized British Australian and American professor of medicine and surgery, and he teaches his unique style of colon surgery worldwide, but in his country, the faculty of staff downgraded him to just an average medical student and an average physician, and he had no future.
My second brother is the youngest tenured professor of electrical engineering in a most prestigious university in the USA, and he teaches his unique entrepreneur field of engineering worldwide, but he was made just an average student with no expected future in his country.
My third brother is the Manager Pharmacist of the Computer Systems for the largest pharmacy in the USA, but he was an average student and an average retail Pharmacist with no further future in his country.
I like to believe I am a successful Physician with an excellent clinical common sense but I was a below average medical student and an average physician with no further future in my country.
What does that mean?????
I think it means; No matter how your brain is, you are below average in the below average country you are from.
Why? Because when the country is corrupt, its priorities are screwed up by factors like, what is your religion? Or who is your father in the government?
I hope the USA will never get to this low of a standard.
I hope, being White, Black, Democrat, Republican, Christian, Atheist, or others will never become a factor of who you can be and what can you contribute to this country!

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Ways to screw doctors and make them quit

Ways to screw up doctors and make them quit

In the beginning, God created Medicine. A system mandating physicians, to spend most of their time documenting every detail of every visit to prove "we have done nothing wrong" so patients don't win when they sue.
And God saw that was good.

This is a fact, whether doctors deny it or not. The main focus of the majority of physicians is documentation, running tests, and getting consultations. Defensive medicine to protect themselves from medicolegal litigation.
Of course, it is a costly way to practice medicine, and it will bankrupt the system. BUT, who cares, I just want to cover my butt!

It is very common among doctors to document
"discussed with Dr. So and So," "The patient is notified," "Explained to the patient and the family," " The patient did not follow up," " The patient is noncompliant," or "the patients declined colonoscopy." These all are nonmedical, but just paranoid statements inserted in most medical reports, just in case a patient or his family denies explained condition or treatment, claim negligence or reduced level of care.
We actually spend more time teaching medical school and residency to patients and their families more than the time we spend treating them in the hope they do not sue us!

On the second day, around 2009, the God Medicine created Obama, and EMR, for the sake of legibility and to avoid medical errors, and God saw, that was good.
It took doctors months and months of extra work to get used to the new system. It still takes longer time especially for doctors who are not used to typing. They said they will pay incentive for doing this but they were very creative about, how not to pay. Actually, I got paid about 6% of what they said they would have paid.

On the third day, the God Medicine created the Meaningful Use Criteria (more accurately, The Meaningless Criteria) and God saw that was good.
They cut our pay when we didn't fulfill those Meaningless Criteria. I never could satisfy them, criteria because they are meaningless. So, I gave up. They disqualified me for variable reasons like; may patients did not send me enough emails, or they made a mistake.

Even though I used EMR from day one in my private practice, I wasn't paid because I missed the criteria by 0.5%.
Medicare increasingly cut my pay by 2% each year, year after year. We, doctors, spend an average 66 cents on the dollar to run the practice. The 2% pay cut/year is actually a 6% profit. This is on top of not getting paid for other bizarre reasons. I found out that I haven't been paid for services I have been providing to my patients over 3 and 4 years. Medicare demands me to bill the supplemental insurance, and the supplemental insurance requires me to bill Medicare, and I get lost in the middle. To save me an aneurysm or at least hemorrhoids, I accepted not to get paid, and I stopped seeing Medicare patients.

On the fourth day, the God Medicine created ICD 9 which had 10,000 codes representing 10,000 diagnoses. Doctors are not paid when not using a specific code. There were payable and non-payable codes for the same diagnosis. Over the years, every time Doctors mastered a payable code, it became non-payable the next year and so on.

So, On the fifth day, the God Medicine created ICD, 10 which has 40,000 codes. And the dance around payable and non-payable codes continued, but at 40,000 code complexity.

On the sixth day, the God Medicine created the "Annual AV" reports for all senior patients. It is a complex report, maybe 10 pages long/patient. It is a tedious job, and Sometimes it takes one to two hours per patient.
For just an example, doctors need to document if a patient had a cataract, if so, in which eye right or left, has it been surgically corrected or not? If yes, WHEN?? Doctors have to go back and dig into the charts to document the exact date a patient had a god damn cataract surgery! One year, I was so frustrated because all my reports were returned for corrections. So, I decided not to do these damn reports.
I was penalized by losing a very very big chunk of money, over $45,000 which included all my "bonus".
The next year I spent all of my time doing those reports.
By the way, each year, the AV reports requirements have been changing and increasing. However, doctors are still mastering them.

On the seventh day, you would think the God Medicine rested or took the day off, But NO, he created a new thing to de-valuate physicians. On the seventh day, the God Medicine created The Star System, like in hotels or preschool.
Basically, when doctors lose stars, they get paid less. Needless to say, it is impossible to have all 5 of them, stars.
If patients eat a lot and do not lose weight doctors lose stars. If they eat a lot and do not control their diabetes, doctors lose stars. If they do not take their medicine and blood pressure go up the roof, doctors lose stars. If Patients refuse to get their ass holes propped, doctors also lose stars too.

The crazy thing is, you get 1 to 5 stars per category no matter how many patients are in the category.
So, if a doctor has a 100 patients in the Diabetes category and he or she fulfills Hgb A1c control he gets 5 stars. However, if he has 1 undocumented Rheumatoid patient (like those immigrants), he gets 1 star and becomes a 3-star doctor instead of 4.96039 stars.
Guess what? This stupid and mentally retarded star system will only lower doctors' pay!

So, in conclusion, doctors spend way more time struggling to collect and record data for the CMS than the time actually spend treating patients.
The only way to keep up with this is to hire people to do all the bureaucratic nonmedical work and pay them most of the income

It helps when to lose autonomy and get employed by a hospital, or incorporation and take it .....Yes Sir, Yes Sir, paycheck to paycheck.

I don't know what is the God Medicine is doing with all these data, but for sure I know it did never improve the healthcare outcome. It only took away doctors time and effort from the patient care.

Healthcare in America costs 10s of times more than anywhere in the world yet the quality is lower than many countries in the world like in France, England, Newzealand, Australia, and Canada.
Doctors, especially Primary Care doctors get pay cuts in so many creative ways.

Doctors get new suffocating time-consuming regulations and get DE-VALUATED by Medicare, Insurances, PPOs, HMOs, Medicaid, HIPAA, Prior Authorizations, One Minute Clinics, Meaningful Use, needless Pharmacy Reminders and Drug Warnings which does nothing but waste our valuable time. They all are devaluating physicians and making the practice of medicine impossible. They control and reduce doctors income, and force physicians down to become just ordinary employees. What a waste of expertise, intelligence, and a lifetime of hard work

Friday, August 17, 2018

10 top scientific facts of the bible couldn't be more wrong!

These 10 top scientific facts of the bible couldn't be more wrong, and nothing is scientific about them
Here is why 

Wrong fact # 10- Job 26:7 "the earth hangs on nothing," i.e., the earth hangs in space

This contradicts what Job stated later which is the earth is laid on foundations, has a cornerstone, and footings! Job 38:4 "where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? On what were its footings set? who laid its cornerstone?"
This actually means nothing because it doesn't state any facts about the earth is a ball and rotates around the sun and it contradicts itself a few chapters later.
Job 38:13 also says " who might take hold of the earth's ends, that the wicked might be shaken off it" which means the earth has ends (not a ball) and god will hold them and shake the wicked off it. 
If Job 26:7 meant that earth is a ball in space then why did the church tortured Bruno to death when he stated similar facts.

Wrong fact # 9- Leviticus 15:13 "wash under running water," i.e., God knew that washing hands protect from disease.

Washing with just water does not efficiently kill bacteria but with water and bacteriocidal soap. If this was true then why didn't god merely say wash under running water with soap to kill bacteria. Why didn't God tell people about bacteria? Why did Jesus ridicule the Jews for caring so much about washing their hands? Why didn't Jesus scold his disciples for not washing their hands? Mathew 15:2

Wrong fact # 8- Leviticus 17:11 "life of the flesh is in the blood,"i.e., blood can diagnose diseases and save lives.

This part of Leviticus was about forbidding eating blood because blood makes atonement by sacrifice and not about blood diagnose diseases. Leviticus 17: 1o-11 "I will set my face against that person who eats blood.... the life of the flesh is in the blood...for it is the blood that makes the atonement." 
It doesn't take a genius to know that life is in the blood because anyone bleeds out dies. 
Urine diagnoses disease too, why didn't the bible say "life of the flesh is in the urine"?
In some cases, feces transfusion in gastroenteritis saves lives too. Does that mean "life of the flesh is in the feces"?

Wrong fact # 7- Isaia 40:22 "It is he who sits above the circle of the earth,"i.e., the earth is round.

It is straightforward to claim the earth is a circle because the horizon looks like a circle. A circle is flat and not a ball. Again, Job states the earth is laid on foundations, has a cornerstone, and footings! Job 38:4 "where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? On what on what were its footings set? who laid its cornerstone?" Here the bible claims the earth is flat not a ball, that is why the church imprisoned Bruno and Galileo for saying so. Unless you try to tell the heads of the church got it wrong and did not know the bible for 1600 years. When Galileo invented the telescope, he said to them the earth is a ball hanging in space rotating around the sun.

Wrong fact # 6- Psalm 8:8 "the fish of the sea and whatsoever passeth throw the paths of the seas,"i.e., God is talking about the hot and cold current of the oceans.

When you read the rest of the Psalm, you realize he is talking about God making human lower than the angles, and dominant over everything like animals, beasts, birds, and fish in the sea. Psalm 8:5-8 "Thou madest him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honor. Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet. All sheep and oxen, yea, and the beasts of the fields, the fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas.
The seas have paths, people and fish have traveled through the waters all the time. 
How exactly does this explain the hot and cold currents of the oceans?? If so why did not the bible say "and whatsoever passeth through the hot and cold currents of the oceans, not the seas"?

Wrong fact # 5- Job 38: 35 Do you send the lightning bolts on their way? Do they report to you, 'Here we are'? i.e., God is talking about sending radio waves to talk to each other.  

There is nothing here about sending radio waves to talk to each other in this verse! God was asking if you can throw bolts of lightning and if the lightning can speak to you and say here we are! 
When you read the entire chapter you find that God is asking Job rhetorical questions which the answer to all of them is obviously No. like in Job 38:34 "Can you raise your voice to the clouds and cover yourself with a flood of water? 
Also, lightning is not radio wave but photons and electrical waves or charges. Again, the strange thing is in the same chapter Job 38:4 "Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? 6 On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone- fundamentally contradict that claim the earth is hanging in space as it says the God has set the earth on foundations and cornerstones!

Wrong fact # 4 - Genesis 2: Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array. This sets the roles of thermodynamics.

Thermodynamics is the science of transforming forms of energies into other forms like chemical energy into thermal, electrical, light, or mechanical energies.
The narrator does not know what thermodynamics is! This is really bizarre. If this verse sets the roles of thermodynamics, then anything can mean anything! 
Genesis is full of numerous scientific mistakes about the beginning of the universe and earth. For just one example, in Genesis 1: God created light on day 1 and later called it a day before he actually created the sun on day 4!!! How is it possible to have the sun's light before creating the sun itself?? We can write pages and pages about the factual mistakes in Genesis if you are interested in learning.

Wrong fact # 3 - Genesis 6 The dimensions of Noah's Ark are the perfect ratios to build cruise ships. 

The expert shipbuilders state that is it impossible for a ship to float or stay steady in one piece if it was made of wood by the dimensions of Noah's ark described in Geneses. An Iron modern ship with the same dimensions or ratios will float though because it is not wood but Iron. The story of the flood is a modified copy of the Epic of Gilgamesh which was written 100s of years before the bible which was written around 500 BC. Not to mention the impossibility of 9,000,000 animal species to fit in such a ship for several months.

Wrong fact # 2 - Leviticus 13:46 taught the human to quarantine people with skin diseases before medicine discovered infection. 

The ancients were very concerned about Leprosy. The swelling, scab, or bright spot in (Leviticus 13:2-28) is Psoriasis: a chronic, non-infectious non-contagious skin disease, characterized by the presence of well-demarcated, slightly raised reddish patches of various sizes covered by dry grayish-white or silvery scales. 
An infection on the head of beard in (Leviticus 13:29-37) is Favus: a much more severe and damaging infection in which the fungus invades both the hair and the full thickness of the skin. Bright spots on the skin in (Leviticus 13:38-39) is Leucoderma: a slightly disfiguring condition in which patches of otherwise normal skin lose their natural coloring and become completely white. 

I don't think the bible has been a good dermatologist or doctor. It never mentioned bacteria needless to say the text considered Epilepsy, Schizophrenia, Fever, and hallucinations demon position requiring rituals to cast the demons which frequently ended in killing the diseased person. 

Wrong fact # 1 - Job 40 “Behold, Behemoth, which I made as I made you; he eats grass like an ox" ie God created the Dinosaurs. 

What an unbelievable contradiction. How could the bible believe in the creation of dinosaurs whose fossils are proven to be at least 65 million years old yet the text states the earth was created only 6000 years ago based on no evidence whatsoever. The Narrator claims the behemoth is the dinosaur, and it eats grass!  Some dinosaurs ate vegetations and most others ate meat. How is a Behemoth a Dinosaur? By the way, Behemoth or Behema in Arabic means caws, bulls, and buffaloes.