100 Questions to God
I have been an excellent fundamental Christian.
For 50 years, I firmly believed in one god, one son of God, one Holy Spirit and somehow, the 3 of them are one god too!
I believed, 2000 years ago, God came to earth and sacrificed himself to himself in the form of his son after impregnating a 12-year-old human virgin who remained a virgin even after she gave him a natural birth. God let himself be tortured and die on the cross to save me from a mortal sin, which I have not committed but, I was born with, because my ancestor Adam ate forbidden fruit, 6000 years ago
I believed I was born in sin and without Jesus; I am going to hell for the rest of eternity even if I have done nothing.
I believed the one Church of Jesus Christ is the only way to my eternal life of happiness.
I believed in the literal and symbolic interpretation of the bible’s old and new testaments.
I believed the physically impossible events in the bible are just ordinary miracles from God to impress people.
I believed in the revelations, the prophecies, and the rapture.
I believed my thoughts, desires, imaginations, and even dreams are sinful and they justify burning in hell.
I believed slavery started when Noah cursed Canaan the son of his son Ham because Ham saw the nakedness of his father Noah and bragged about it when Noah got drunk and naked. That is how Ham's sons, generation after generation justifiably became black slaves. Therefore, I never go to my father’s room after he drinks wine.
I believed slavery was a standard form of life as God explained how to do it in the bible.
I believed Homosexuality is a demonic sinful choice and people will burn in hell forever for committing it like the people of Sodom and Gomorrah.
I believed all the contradictions and dilemmas in the Bible are because of our ignorance.
I believed science contradicts the Bible because science has not advanced enough.
I believed the more we advance, the more we will understand the great wisdom and knowledge in the bible.
I had firm faith, but I was always looking for evidence.
I had many questions and the answers I received did not convince me but stopped me from asking, however, I continued to believe.
I sought knowledge and I explored religions, but the more I learned, the more beliefs did not make sense. So, I wrote this letter to god to ask him 100 questions and I am still waiting for him to answer.
Dear God!
1-Why do you work in "mysterious ways" and confuse people? This doesn't make sense and sounds unfair. Isn't it much better if you are clear and straightforward?
2-Why do you punish sinners if you have created them this way? Did you create sinners so you would punish them? This doesn't make sense and sounds unfair.
3-Why do you judge us when we fail if you know everything including that we would fail? This does not make sense and sounds unfair.
4-Why do you lead us to temptations if you know we will not resist? This doesn't make sense and sounds unfair.
5-Why do you teach us hard lessons in life if you know we will not learn? and by the time we learn, we are too old and die! This doesn't make sense and sounds cruel.
6-Why do you punish us for eternity when we don't learn if you knew we couldn’t learn? This doesn't make sense and sounds cruel.
7-Why do you create us sick with sin, order us to cure and punish us when we can't? This doesn't make sense and sounds cruel.
8-Why do you let bad things happen if you knew it would happen? This doesn't make sense and sounds cruel if you let bad things happen, or incompetence if you can't stop them from happening.
9-Why do you let bad things happen to good people? This doesn't make sense and sounds cruel. Wouldn't it be nicer if you protect the innocent?
10-Why do you claim we have free choice if you already decided what we will choose? This doesn't make sense and sounds unfair.
11-Why do you claim that we have “free will”? Nevertheless, you are going to burn us in hell if our will is different from yours. This doesn't make sense and sounds unfair.
12- In the Old Testament, why did you revenge and destroy everything you’ve created instead of forgiving? This doesn't make sense and sounds merciless and cruel.
13-Why did you have uncontrollable anger in the Old Testament? This doesn't make sense, sounds immature, and lacks wisdom.
14-Why do you demand blood and sacrifice? This doesn't make sense and sounds cruel.
15-Why do you never forgive unless killing happens? This doesn't make sense and sounds cruel.
16-Why did you sacrifice your own son? Haven’t you forbidden people from sacrificing sons because it is barbaric and inhuman? This is confusing, doesn't make sense, and sounds cruel and hypocritical
17-Why do you call it salvation and forgiveness if the price has been already paid in blood? This doesn't make sense and sounds confusing.
WWII German Concentration camp prisoners, the torture and genocide of 6 million Jews
Why didn’t God stop the Holocaust, the genocide and rape of the Christian Armenians, the genocide in Rwanda, the mass rape and murder in Nigeria, the terrorists in 9/11, the Tsunami in South Asia, the Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan, ISIS from killing raping and bombing his churches in the Middle East, the priests from raping innocent children in the Catholic churches, the child molesters from kidnapping, raping torturing and killing innocent children, or the burning of his Notre Dame church in Paris? Did you let it happen? didn’t you want to stop it? couldn’t you stop it? didn't you care? wasn’t you paying attention? are you cruel? or because you are imaginary and don’t exist?!
The Turks displaced and slaughtered 1.5 million Armenians between 1915 and 1918
18-Why would you punish our ancestor (Adam) by burning in hell for eternity, for just eating a fruit? Isn’t it a grave punishment for such a silly sin? Why did you change your mind 4000 years later and sacrifice your son instead? Isn’t it still a high price to pay for a silly sin? This doesn't make sense.
19-Why do you want us to believe in you but, make yourself invisible? This doesn't make sense and is tricky.
20-Why don’t you make it simple and just show yourself? This doesn't make sense and sounds unfair.
21-Why do you want us to believe in you based on no evidence? This doesn't make sense and sounds irrational.
22-Why didn't you leave archeological evidence of the great flood or the exodus from Egypt? This doesn't make sense and sounds mythical.
23-Why do you show yourself only to one person at a time when he is alone, in a dream, in a cave, or on a mountain hearing voices? This doesn't make sense and sounds weird. Aren’t hearing voices a form of hallucination and believing them a form of delusion or schizophrenia? Aren't dreams unaccountable?
24-Why will you burn gay people in hell for eternity if you claim you love them? Will you love them only when they stop being homosexual?! This doesn't make sense and sounds contradictory.
25-Why do you want to burn gay people in hell for eternity if you created them this way? This doesn't make sense and sounds unfair and cruel.
26-Why do you let people suffer if you claim you love them? This doesn't make sense and sounds unfair. It is cruel if let them suffer on purpose. It is incompetence if you can't help them.
27-Why do you let millions of innocent babies die every year, and let their parents suffer in agony for no good reason? This doesn't make sense and sounds unfair. It is very cruel if you let their parents suffer on purpose. It is incompetence if you can't save them.
28-Why do you burn unbaptized babies in hell for eternity? What have they done to you? This doesn't make sense, it sounds unfair and cruel.
29-Why are you jealous of the other gods like the Pharaohs, Usher, and Marduk? This doesn't make sense and sounds immature or insecure.
30-Why are you different from place to place on earth?
This doesn't make sense aren't you the same everywhere?
31-Why are you different from time to time in history?
This doesn't make sense, aren't you the same all the time?
32-Why do you mean different things to different people?
This doesn't make sense, Aren't you the same for everyone? This sounds like your character depends on people's interpretations and knowledge.
33-Why do the people of the same faith disagree about you? Why are the Christians divided and disagree about you? Why are the Muslims divided and disagree about you? Why are the Jews divided and disagree about you? This doesn't make sense, aren't you the same, at least, for people of the same faith?
34-Why are you completely different and opposite for Muslims from Christians? This doesn't make sense, aren't you the same for everyone who believes in you?
35-Why do you always need people to explain you to other people? This doesn't make sense. Are you unable to explain yourself?
37-Why do you let Muslim terrorists murder the innocent in your name? This doesn't make sense. It is cruel if you let them and incompetence if you can't stop them.
38-Why do you need people to worship you if you are great? This doesn't make sense and sounds needy.
38-Why do you need people to worship you if you are great? This doesn't make sense and sounds needy.
39-In the 10 commandments, why did you care about not making images of yourself even before you cared about murder? What is more important, Murder, or making images of you? This doesn't make sense and sounds like your priorities are not in order.
40-Why do you order us not to murder, but you kill millions by disease and natural disasters? This doesn't make sense and sounds contradictory and confusing.
41-Why don't you declare yourself to all people? This doesn't make sense and sounds tricky.
42-Why did you wait to declare yourself only in the first century? This doesn't make any sense.
43- Why didn't you declare yourself thousands of years earlier? This does not make any sense.
44- Why did you declare yourself to only a few illiterate Middle Easterners in the desert? Didn’t you want the whole world to know you? This doesn't make any sense.
45-Why didn't you directly declare yourself to the Chinese? They had the oldest civilization, the highest population on earth, and they also knew how to write and document? This doesn't make sense and sounds unfair or racist against Asians.
46-Why don't almost half the population on earth know you? This doesn't make sense and sounds unfair.
47-Why do you burn the people who never heard of you in hell for eternity? This doesn't make sense and sounds unfair and cruel.
48-Why did you wait 13.7 billion years to send your book of Quran according to Islam to one specific person in a cave? This doesn't make any sense.
49-Why did you order the Jews to cut the tips of their penises? Why did you create men with foreskin then order them to cut them off? This doesn't make sense and sounds weird.
50-Why didn't you condemn Lot for trying to give his daughters to be raped? This doesn't make sense and sounds strange.
51-Why didn't you condemn Lot's daughters for having sex with their father? This doesn't make sense and sounds weird.
52-Why did you wrestle with Jacob all night, try to kill him, and injure his sciatica? This doesn't make any sense.
53-Why did you attack Moses and try to kill him too?
This doesn't make any sense too.
54-Why did you let go of Moses when his wife but the foreskin blood of his son's penis on Moses' feet? This doesn't make any sense and sounds very weird too.
55-Why did you allow horrible slavery for thousands of years? This doesn't make any sense, it sounds cruel and racist, especially against black people.
56-Why did you slaughter the Canaanites and the Amalekites, men, women, and children by the hands of your people in your name? This doesn't make sense and sounds like a brutal genocide.
57-Why did you save the virgin women of the Canaanites and the Amalekites to be taken as slaves? This doesn't make sense and sounds like human trafficking, sex slavery, and rape.
58-Why would you burn in hell people who have sex outside marriage especially if you created them with this strong physiological need? They don't hurt anyone! Isn't it better than raping the Canaanite virgins? This doesn't make sense and sounds like an unnecessary deprivation.
59-Why do you want to burn people who masturbate in hell? especially if you created them with this natural need? Isn't it better than raping the Canaanite virgins? This doesn't make sense and sounds unnatural and perverted
60-Why do you care how we speak, what we eat, or what we do especially, while naked? This doesn't make sense and sounds very nosey, suffocating, and perverted too.
61-Why did you harden the Pharaoh's heart on purpose so you can torture the poor Egyptians with more plagues? What was more important to you, to let your people go or to abuse the Egyptians? This doesn't make sense and sounds sadistic and cruel.
62-Why did you murder the innocent children of Egypt? What have they done to you? This doesn't make sense and sounds very cruel.
63-Why do you punish innocent children for their parents' sins? This doesn't make sense and sounds unfair and very cruel.
64-In Genesis, why did you tell people the earth is a flat disc in the center of a dome universe, and the sun and the stars go around it? Why did you let them discover the truth 6000 years later and suspect you? This doesn't make sense and sounds ignorant.
65-Why didn't you tell people they have evolved from primates so when they find out the truth, they still believe in you? This doesn't make sense and sounds ignorant.
66-Why did you terrify people for thousands of years and make them believe you have flooded and drowned their ancestors alive on purpose? Aren't floods predictable natural disasters from ice melting on the top of the mountains into the rivers? or from too much rain and hurricanes. This doesn't make sense and sounds like a very cruel lie.
67-Why did you terrify people for thousands of years and made them believe you burned the people of Sodom and Gomorrah alive on purpose? Aren't meteors predictable natural disasters? This doesn't make sense and sounds like a cruel lie.
68-Why did you terrify people for thousands of years and made them believe Earthquakes are a punishment from you? Aren't earthquakes predictable natural disasters from the earth's crusts sliding on each other? This doesn't make sense and sounds like a cruel lie.
69-If you created bacteria, why didn't you tell people about bacteria to avoid diseases and plagues? This doesn't make sense and sounds cruel, ignorant, or incompetent.
70-Why didn't you tell people that convulsing and frothing at the mouth is just Epilepsy, not demon position and it requires sedatives or marijuana? Why did you let innocent people suffer pain, fear, and unnecessary guilt from what they didn’t know for thousands of years? This doesn't make sense and sounds ignorant or cruel.
71-Why didn't you tell people that hearing voices and hallucinations could be caused by schizophrenia, mental disease, fevers, infections, or eating mushrooms, and not by demon possession? This doesn't make sense and sounds ignorant and cruel.
72-Why did you let people kill thousands trying to cast out demons? This doesn't make sense and sounds ignorant and cruel.
Burning innocent women accused of witchcraft in the name of God
73-Why didn't you tell people witchcraft is not real? Why did you let them burn thousands of innocents alive for hundreds of years in your name? This doesn't make sense and sounds cruel.
I have heard different answers to many different questions repeatedly, from different people and theologians of different faiths for years. None of it made any sense to me! I thought they do not know God well enough.
So, I have studied religions and prayed for 50 years to get some answers, but God has not replied yet.
Here are some of the most common bizarre statements in defense of God:
*"God knows everything, the past, the present, and the future too, but, when it comes to our free will and choices, he makes himself not know."!!!
74- So God knows and doesn't know at the same time? What a fantastic contradiction in one sentence?
*"God hurts us because he loves us."!!
75- Isn't this just a pure sadistic and contradictory concept? Is God a sadist and he shows love by inflicting pain on us? Are we supposed to accept it and enjoy it too like masochists? Please don't love me that way! If this were a relationship between humans, it would have been a sick love relationship!
*"God waited thousands of years until we are ready so he can tell us about himself."
76- Isn't it unjust for billions of our ancestors who died before us? Were Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob not worthy? This is just weird, senseless, and sounds like an arrogant concept!
*"There is also a place for the people who died before he declared himself to us."
77- Why do they get to be so unlucky and unfortunate?
78- Why do we get to be equal if we have different sets of good and bad?
*"God did not tell the people who represented him now or in the past thousands of yours to persecute, hurt, burn, or kill others in his name. It was their misunderstanding."
79- Is god merely that cruel to let them wrongly do it in his name? Or,
80- Is god that incompetent for not stopping them?
*"The people who represented God in the past got him wrong, but we got it right now."
81- Is god that incompetent to let people misrepresent him for thousands of years
*"People who represented God in the past made a mistake."
82- Is God that incompetent to let stupid people incorrectly misrepresent him for thousands of years?
*"All the other religions got God wrong, but we got him right."
83- Isn't this so arrogant, inconsiderate of the other billions in this world? This could be even a delusional statement.
84- Isn't its incompetence of God to let billions of people know him the wrong way?
*"God show himself for the chosen few believers only”
85- Why should I even try if I was not chosen? Is god biased for just a few people of his choice?
*“You only have to believe”
86- Do you mean God is only for the people who believe and do not think or question?
87- Is God biased against smart people
*"God must give you the gift of dogma to understand him."
88- Why doesn't he give everyone the gift especially those who are trying to understand? Is God biased?
*"You can't use your brain to understand or believe in God. Just have faith and believe. Use your heart."
89- Does it mean God is only for the no-brainers? Is God biased against brainers and thinkers?
*"You can't question God."
90- Why not? We only learn when we question things.
91- Mustn’t everyone with a brain question everything?
*"God created man in His likeness and image. God has human characters like anger, jealousy, regret, and he changes his mind too. That is why we look like him, and we act like him too."
First, 92- Are people who control their anger, jealousy, and mind better than God?
Second, 93- Shouldn't he at least be better than us?
Third, 94- Why does he punish us for being just like him, angry, jealous, destructive, and all those flawed characters that we inherited from him?
Lastly, if we look like him,
95- Why does Jesus look Caucasian for the whites, black for the Africans, Indian for the Indians, Ethiopian for the Ethiopians, Coptic for the Egyptians, and Asian for the Asians, and so on?
96- Did 'God create man in his image and likes' or did man create God in his image and likes? Is God man-made?
*“I don’t know.”
97- Why do you believe in what you don't know?
98- Why are you willing to die for what you don't know?!
99- Why are some people are killing others for what they don't know?!
100- If we don’t know, did we get God wrong? Or did everyone in the world get God wrong?
Sorry God,
Almost all your representatives and religions made you not make sense. They made you sound like a cruel, unfair, sadistic, immature, jealous, confusing, tricky, unforgiving, merciless, incompetent, sexist, racist, genocidal, pro-slavery, pro-rape, pro-human sacrifice and trafficking, bloodshed loving, destructive, ignorant, weird, nosey, needy, controlling, suffocating, angry, liar, pervert, and a powerful deity who changes his mind frequently and wants to burn us in hell for many reasons but, somehow loves us! Sorry, I prefer not to be loved by someone who has these horrible characters because this would sound like an unhealthy relationship.
Alphabetic order, 1st row: Baha'i, Buddhism, Cao Dai, Christianity 2nd row: Druidism, Eckankar, Hinduism, Islam 3rd row: Jainism, Judaism, Raelism, Satanism/Second degree Wicca 4th row: Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism, Tenrikyo 5th row, Thelema, Unitarian Universalism, Wicca, Zoroastrianism
Everyone is allowed to use this image.