Friday, November 24, 2017

Gusse who?

Gusse who?
He was a savior born of a virgin on December 25th
His birth was witnessed by shepherds and magi
His witnesses followed the east star
He was gifted Gold, Frankincense, and the Mur
He had 12 disciples He performed miracles like healing the sick and raising the dead
He was baptized, practiced Eucharist communion with bread and wine
He gave salvation through the blood
He was killed rose from death and ascended to heaven
His symbol is the cross and his worship day is Sunday
He is depicted with the solar corona halo behind his head
He is referred to as "The Truth, the light, the word"
I bet you are wrong
It is Mythra The God Sun
He was followed from 1000 BC to 500 AD
He was worshiped by a majority of people of the Roman Empire before and during early Christianity.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Freedom of speach for the Muslims only

This is not just an opinion this is the truthful fact. 
In response to a Muslim female wearing a headscarf talking  to Christian audience about fearing Muslims

Dear Amal, If your core Islamic beliefs did not call for Jihad, blowing up people, flying planes into buildings, and rapping or killing the non-Muslims, none would have been scared of you. 

If anyone has any knowledge of the Islamic teachings, he or she knows your scarf or the beard on your brother's face is not a fashion statement, but It is a religious statement. You headscarf is a statement saying I am a fundamental Muslim and I follow the Islamic rolls even in the way I dress or the way I shave my facial hair. 

If you really follow The Islamic rolls to that extent, then you most probably justify killing the infidels, or you would be considered a "hypocrite" according to Islam, Hadeeth, and Quran unless you are practicing "Teqiia." 

Teqiia is; The prophet adviced the Muslims to hid the faith and pretend not to practice fundamental Islam when it is not safe. However, when it is safe enough, the Muslims are allowed to go back and practice the real radical Islam. 

If we have an ounce of intelligence, we ought to be afraid of who looks like you or your brother. It could be too late if we did not suspect one Muslim who wants to kill us among a 100 who don't. 

Of course, you can say what you want to say in a free country to a Christian audience! But what will happen if a Christian girl talks about being a Christian in a Muslim country to a Muslim audience in a moderate a country like Egypt for example? 
For a fact she will be called an infidel whore, beaten, raped, and most probably killed too. 

So please stop being a wolf blaming the rabbit.