Thursday, August 31, 2017

Pick a God, Any God!

Pick a God, Any God!

In the beginning, the God Atum created himself from the primordial water of Nun. Nut is the Egyptian Sky Goddess and the mother of all Gods. She was worshipped for thousands of years and longer than any known current God. She is depicted nude arching over the earth. Ra the sun God floats on her body all day and sets in her mouth, then goes through her body at night until it is reborn from her uterus every morning. Geb the God of the earth has intercourse with her constantly. She gave birth to the Gods Isis, Osiris, Set, and Nephthys. She is the Creator and protector of earth. Set Killed his brother Osiris.

Isis the Egyptian Goddess was worshiped for thousands of years. She was born from Geb the god of the earth and Nut the goddess of the sky. She married her brother Osiris who was killed and mutilated by his brother Set. The Nile River floods every year because of her tears over her husband. Finally, she was able to recollect his body parts and made his resurrection from death. She conceived the falcon-headed God Horus from Osiris and she is depicted nursing him like Mary and Jesus. Like Mary, She is the Goddess who listen to the prayers of the poor and the slaves as well as the rich. If the kings or humans have been good during their lives, they go through a gate after they die and live with their loved ones for eternity. If the humans have bad deeds in their life, they go to the underworld after they die and they will be tortured by a monstrous alligator for eternity

Zeus the God of the sky, the ruler of heaven and earth was worshiped by the Greeks for hundreds of years. He is very powerful and able to throw lightning from the sky. His father Cronus used to eat his sons to take their power in order to keep his throne. Zeus survived because his mother hid him and tricked Cronus by giving him a rock to eat instead of Zeus. When Zeus grew strong, he rebelled against his father and killed him and banished his Titans into the underworld. He gave his father mustard and wine to drink and made him throw up his sons. Zeus won a draw over his brothers Poseidon and Hades and took his father's throne to rule over all the Olympian Gods. He has 9 children they all were demigods, ie sons of God and Human or Goddesses. One of his famous sons is Hercules the son of a human woman named Alcmene.

Innana/ Ishtar (Ester) the Goddess of love and sex from the Mossepetanian time 3500 BCE. She went to the underworld and by the seventh gate, she was stripped naked and killed. She died and was hung by a hook or a nail. 3 days later she resurrected from death.

In the beginning, Omnipotent God Jahuva was hovering over the primordial water like Atum. He created the universe in only 6 days 6000 years ago. He created humans then he got angry at them and punished them by death and torture in hell for eternity because humans disobeyed and ate a fruit. The first human son Able killed his brother Cain like Set and Osiris. Several years later, God got very angry at the people he created because they disobeyed and had too much sex with each other and the daughters of the earth so he exterminated all of them as well as all his creations by drowning asphyxiation in a big flood. A few years later God got so angry at the remaining survivals because they disobeyed and had homosexual sex so he exterminated them by burning them alive with sulfur lava and fire rain from the sky. A few years later he got angry at humans again but this time, instead of killing humans he ordered humans to kill animals and burn them for sacrifice. He also ordered them to cut the tips of their penises. He set many roles and led his chosen humans to wars and made them burn cities, exterminate and enslave many pagan men, women, children, and animals and take their land. Like the ancient Egyptians, the humans who obey this God and do not eat pork will be rewarded after they die by spending eternity with the spirits of their grandparents and ancestors. Humans who do not will burn in hell for eternity.

Same Omnipotent God, the Lord created the universe. He waited until 2000 years ago and sacrificed himself to himself in the form of his son who he had from a human virgin named Mary to forgive us sins we did not commit but born with from our ancestors whom he created 6000 years ago knowing they will sin. He let a talking serpent trick them into disobeying him and eat a forbidden fruit because it was allegedly their own free will. His son was a son of the God and a human-like Hercules and he was sacrificed, hung on a cross, and went to the underworld to free the dead and was resurrected after 3 days Like Ishtar. If we do not accept his sacrifice, get submerged under water, eat the body and drink the blood of his son the Lord, we will be tortured in hellish lakes of burning sulfur and fire for eternity with evil people, devils, and babies who died before having a chance to get baptized. We will never die but continue to burn in pain. Humans who obey and accept this, especially who never had sex will be rewarded after they die by spending eternity praying to the Son of God.

The same Omnipotent God Allah wrote a perfect book in Arabic before he created the universe. He waited for billions of years and only 1400 years ago, he sent an Angel creature from heaven to dictate the book to an illiterate 40-year-old Arab man in a cave in the Arabian desert. In this book, God ordered everyone to Kill anyone who refuses to believe in him or his Arab man or anyone who believes but refuses to kill the disbelievers. God ordered to never stop the killing until everyone in the entire world becomes a believer.This God also ordered to take all the women captured in war as sex slaves and rape them with as many women as they like and marry 9-year-old girls. He also ordered to flog, amputate, stone to death, and or behead in public, whoever disobeys, drinks alcohol, steals, or has sex outside marriage or has homosexual sex. The humans who do not obey this should be killed first then they will burn in hell, grow new skin then burn again for eternity. The humans who obey especially those who die trying to kill the disbelievers and never eat pork will be rewarded after they die by eating fruits, drinking wine and having sex with virgins and boys for eternity.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

"blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." John 20:29

"Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." John 20:29
"Bias in science is bad science, Bias in religion is faith" Sam Harris
Belief without evidence is bad science. Belief without evidence is good religion.
I don't think this argument is about winning or changing minds, it is about opening minds to facts, possibilities, and knowledge. I do not believe traditional faith argument or bible verses may change my mind because I have a full life of faith and understanding of the bible. I used to believe in all the religious answers and justifications. I used to think faith and science are compatible because I used to have little knowledge. It became clear that religion and science are not and will never be consistent. It is terrifying to get out of the comfort zone and question a lifelong belief based on no evidence. It must be embarrassing to realize the chains people have around their neck wrists and ankles all their life do not actually exist

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Believe in vs Worship Science

Believe in vs Worship Science
Richard Dawkins was sued for stating "It is absolutely safe to say that if you meet somebody who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is ignorant, stupid or insane (or wicked, but I'd rather not consider that)." 
Believe here does not mean Faith or Worship. The belief in Science does not intend to pray, build an altar and provide sacrifices to Science like people did and do to Gods. No need to worship Science, the existence of bacteria, or the atom. Scientists believe in the presence of bacteria, molecules, as well as Evolution because they are all proven facts. Let us say you are a doctor, an expert in your field, you spent your life learning, practicing, and innovating your expertise about the human body. Richard Dawkins is an expert in Biology. He spent his life observing proves of Evolution, studying and researching Biology. I imagine when someone tells Dawkins "I do not believe in the Evolution," must sound like someone is telling a doctor "I don't believe in the colon." 

When I knew little, I was like 43% of Americans an Absolute Creationist ( God suddenly created everything as it is). When I learned about some of the scientific evidence of Evolution, I became like 30% of Americans a Theistic Evolutionist (Evolution happened, but God made it happen). When I learned more pieces of evidence, it became apparent God had nothing to do with it, and I became an Absolute Evolutionist. By God, I mean the God known to the existing 50 or 60 thousand religions in the world. There is one Science and 50,000 or more Gods. When you state the Big Bang, the Dark Mater, or the Higgs Bosoones Particles is maybe God, you are precisely applying the (God of the Gaps) method which is (What we can't explain yet is God). It is very contradicting to religions to say the Big Bang is the god because in a way it means Theology agrees with Science until Science proves it wrong. Science has not discovered how the big bang happened yet, but Quantum Mechanics and Physics proved things like electrons may exist in 2 places at the same time and particles can come in and out of existence. Quantum Physics may very soon explain how something like the Big Bang can come into existence from nothing.